WOLF VERSUS DOG - Who would win?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by dealmaker, Nov 17, 2018.

  1. dealmaker


    Clubber Lang likes this.
  2. mlawson71


    That really depends on the species of wolf and the breed of dog.
    TRS likes this.
  3. dealmaker


    HIGH CONTENT WOLFDOGS - Should you have one?

  4. mlawson71


    Gorgeous animals, but they're really not for me.
  5. On the surface seems to me to be no comparison.

    Wolf... 150 pounds of animal that kills prey to survive (a few times a week, daily?) + has likely had to fight another of his kind at least a few times for his place in the pack.

    What breed of dog could have much of a chance in a fight?
  6. dealmaker


  7. maler


  8. sle


    Both of the breeds below are more or less bred for that (as well as snagging an occasional sandwich from the table, as my experience shows):

    vanzandt likes this.
  9. So are Huskies.

    Read a story years back about an experiment where researches released several breeds of dog into the city... trying to determine which would survive the best at securing shelter, food, and avoid being captured by the dog catcher.

    #1, Siberian Husky. It's said Huskies are the closest relative to the wolf.

    (I've had them for years. They're GREAT! But they usually don't come when you call... unless they think there is something it for them... like a cookie. Part of their charm. :))
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
    vanzandt and sle like this.
  10. vanzandt


    Patrice can steal a sandwich any damn time she wants.
    I think you need to GrubHub a couple t-bones and leave them on the table and see what happens. On me.
    ...Gotta love her.
    #10     Nov 27, 2018