WizeTrade and other

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by rcdc, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. wizetrader23

    wizetrader23 ET Sponsor

    Never said we were Microsoft.....you misread the post. You like everyone else in this or any other forum only read into a post what YOU can get out of it. It seems that there is always ONE UPMANSHIP going on in every forum. That's OK...that's why we call it 'Freedom of Speech.'

    Neotick and Tradestation........everyone has their own ideas about success......yours is no less important and GlobalTec's is no less successful.

    We agree to disagree! Wow.....common ground! lol
    #31     Aug 22, 2007
  2. bontrjd


    Umm... is Enlgish your first language? I realize you are here to promote a product and do spin/damage control for anyone that might say anything negative about said product, but your post makes no sense.

    All I did was click the link you provided and watch the Rusty Wallace video not match up with the "claims" that he made money in 3 different stocks in 3 days. Personally, that shows a lack of attention to detail which doesn't bode well for your product, especially with the negative posts from other ETers.

    If everything was on the up and up I wouldn't have posted anything or found anything funny.
    #32     Aug 22, 2007
  3. Calm down take a chill pill and you told me just last post you were getting offended. You arent female by any chance are you?
    #33     Aug 22, 2007
  4. mrasdts


    From that link .....

    4/30/2007 - Keven writes:
    My sister recently died and I had the unfortunately task of dealing with her estate. No will, no guide to finding out what was left. In 2005 it appears my sister went to a Wizetrade Presentation and paid out just shy of $4000 for the Wizetrade program and based on credit card receipts continued to pay nearly $100 Canadian per month for a data feed to the computer program on her computer. That's $1200 per year. The other disturbing thing is that during this time I have evidence that my sister cashed out all of her secure investments but there is no record of where any of this money went. Every aspect of her life was not difficult to track down but one mystery remained - where is the records of what she did with those funds and the only unusual activity seemed to be this Wizetrade program. I'd like to know more how the computer end of their program worked because I suspect my sister banked on the advice from the Wizetrade program and from the charts and printed data on tons of stocks I found, her entire investment in her retirement has evaporated. It looked to me like my sister followed the program closely and after her passing, the results were a big fat zero and huge losses over the couple years she used the program. The final mystery is her actual death because it happened just at the point where massive debts on regular finances came calling for collection. The last date paid to Wizetrade was November 2006 and that is also the same date my sister also stopped paying on all her regular bills as well. Was her faith in the Wizetrade Program the cause of the collapse of my sisters estate? I'd say she must have been persuaded in BELIEVING the promises that the majority of trends projected by the program would lead to more profit than losses but apparently the majority was lost. My sister did not gamble, use drugs, drink or purchase material merchandise, nor did she travel. Wizetrade seems to be the only anomaly found that explains the rapid evaporation of her assets.
    #34     Aug 22, 2007
  5. wizetrader23

    wizetrader23 ET Sponsor

    Never said I was getting offended....just stating a fact.

    As to the video and the Rusty Wallace web page. He states that on the 4th day he made money......and the pic says "In three days I was UP $1,000 on his investment...." It does not state that he stopped in three days...its says he was UP on his investment in three days. ....If you are going to dispute something....please give it a better try.

    LOL.....asking if I am a female is really funny. Nope, Wrong again!

    BTW, I took no offense to what you had to say. Just find it rather amusing that you know so much about nothing....especially Wizetrade. You should try it.......you might like it!
    #35     Aug 22, 2007
  6. Wisetrade 23 –

    Your company basically prays on those that are inexperienced in the stock market.
    The sad thing is most of the people who purchase your software probably can not afford to anyway. Anyone who has experience Day Trading or Investing knows that free software from brokers or vendors like Quotetracker can give you basically the same info that your software provides. The interpretation of the buy /sell signals is subjective , there are plenty of books and resources on line that can be used to learn how to read charts.
    Does you software also have indicators that can gauge the mental aspect of the person trading ?? Anyone who trades knows that the mental pressure of trading is a very important part of the game. You can be the smartest knowledgeable trader in the world but if you can not handle the mental aspect of the game you are doomed.
    Just like all the other money making schemes out there you will always get business from the naïve and gullible who think that there is an easy way to make money.
    So as long as there are suckers out there you will have plenty of business.
    Don’t ya just love America !!
    #36     Aug 22, 2007
  7. bontrjd


    Once again, is English your first language? Because what you are saying make no sense, especially you defense of Rusty n the home page. Please find someone that uses better English to clarify.
    #37     Aug 22, 2007
  8. wizetrader23

    wizetrader23 ET Sponsor

    Actually, I would ask if you understand English or have a working knowledge of it ......'you defense' and 'n'.......???????hmmmmmm
    #38     Aug 22, 2007
  9. wizetrader23

    wizetrader23 ET Sponsor

    It is 'preys' not 'prays'.....There's my BAD English again.

    No one here 'preys' on anyone. We are selling a product that is successful and is for any type of trader..... no matter what the level of their ability.

    Yes, there are plenty of places to gain 'FREE' software, but try to get their support for it without spending some money. That's the way they get you to 'try' their 'FREE' software. Download my 'FREE' software but wait until you call for 'SUPPORT' on it.

    Everyone has a 'gimmick' or a 'discount' or a 'free' something. People who buy our software come from all walks of life and are not limited to any particular life style.

    I would ask that anyone who visits the Dallas area to stop by for a visit and judge our company in person. Watch Wizetrade TV, visit with us at WizeFEST and talk with owners of the products. It probable won't change your mind, but what have you got to lose?
    #39     Aug 22, 2007
  10. RhinoGG

    RhinoGG Guest

    Guys, clearly there is no use fighting these people. You know whats right, what wrong, what works and what does not.

    So...., I'm looking for partners, VC's, ect. for SuperWiseTrade. The software will launch at the first annual SuperWiseTradePalooza, where Paris Hilton will perform live, realtime trades and say, "Its so simple, even I can do this".
    #40     Aug 22, 2007