With 1 in 5 Americans out of work, Obama issues over a million green cards

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bearice, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. I have read that many countries other than the US require immigrants to invest significant financial assets into a home, the stock market, a bank or a business in order to obtain citizenship. Amazingly, the US allows people to enter illegally, become citizens, obtain government benefits, then vote for the party that makes it easiest for them to milk the system for free money to keep the gravy train running. Americans think that they are intelligent and compassionate. However, our actions are leading us down a path toward financial hardship and third world status, rather than toward prosperity.
    #11     Apr 15, 2010
  2. 377OHMS


    George Bush, F-16 Pilot ---> Barack Obama, Community Organizer

    Y'know what I like about George Bush? I like the way he kicked the shit out of the arabs from one end of middle-east to the other. I like how he hung Saddam and killed his sons. I was impressed how he actually allowed the military to knock the crap out of the taliban. I like how he got the job done. The response seemed appropriate considering 3000+ civilians were murdered in lower Manhattan.

    But your man here Obama seems like a child, a punk, the kind that got beat up in highschool. Your man is a pot smoking America-hater and traitor. There is nothing there to admire or respect. There is nothing about the people who elected him to admire or respect. You too are like a child, a punk, the kind that got beat up in highschool. You are a pot smoking America-hater and traitor. I would shoot you myself under the right circumstances.

    Now run away or I shall taunt you again.
    #12     Apr 15, 2010
  3. pspr


    Americans don't want those pea picking jobs. Obama has everyone on lifetime unemployment benifits so who would want those jobs?

    Until the handouts stop most will just stay home and watch TV and wait for the checks to show up.

    We need to put an end to the welfare society the Democrats have created.
    #13     Apr 15, 2010
  4. Obama --> President voted in with a over-whelming majority

    Bush Jr ---> drunk coke head who needed his daddys supreme court to get appointed president. The guy who destroyed America

    Bush Jr was fighting Saddam who was Bush Sr. buddy until Saddam gave him the finger and told him to fuck off. the Taliban? created by elements of the CIA controlled by Bush Sr. Same Bush Sr. having lunch with the Bin Laden family the day before 9/11

    Both unamerican bastards killing American kids to enrich their wealthy campaign donors.


    A morbidly obese geriatric retarded loser with a horrible diet collecting welfare and hogging off medicare.

    No one really cares what unamerican asshats like you think. You and your unamerican values are irrelevant.

    And I wouldn't waste a bullet on a mofo like you. there are more efficient ways to get rid of fat obese low IQ monkeys.

    #14     Apr 15, 2010
  5. 377OHMS


    Everyone here knows you are a complete twat. I took you off my ignore list so I could fuck with you and it is all I thought it could be lol.

    Your man-child Obama is going to take the shortest path out of office (or to prison). If a few nutbags like you get their noses tweaked a bit in the process I suppose its for a good cause. Now fuck off.
    #15     Apr 15, 2010
  6. MKTrader


    Bush didn't issue any last year. He wasn't the President.

    I didn't cheer Bush's spending. But Obama has already outspent him by a mile.

    We seem to have some problems with 2nd grade math here. That's OK; you fit the mindless Obamadrone profile quite well. I'm sure you were yelling "yes we can (take other people's money)!" at his rallies, too.
    #16     Apr 15, 2010
  7. MKTrader


    Wait...I know those people. Every one of them voted for Obama. "Change we can can believe in," "Obama's gonna pay for my mortgage and gas," etc., etc., ad nauseuam.
    #17     Apr 15, 2010
  8. if we don't issue greencards to foreigners then who is gonna work and pay into the social security system for us to collect retirement checks?

    We need these people, but there are no jobs

    So how do you solve this dilemma?
    #18     Apr 15, 2010
  9. great post but scary true.
    #19     Apr 15, 2010
  10. The Obama will add more to the national debt than all presidents before him combined:

    <img src=http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/attachment.php?s=&postid=2800014>

    #20     Apr 15, 2010