Wisconsin voters say F.U. to Unions

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Clubber Lang, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. #11     Jun 5, 2012
  2. Pick your side, but let's call it for what it is. Walkers plan has nothing to do with the budget. It is union busting, period. I will agree the union should have their feet held to the fire during negotions, but to eliminate collective bargaining is to destroy a union. Without the right to bargin, the worker has no rights other than those granted by general labor law. Let's just call a spade a spade is all I'm saying.
    #12     Jun 5, 2012
  3. JamesL


    #13     Jun 5, 2012
  4. The people spoke! He was voted in to do what he said he was going to do.

    This nothing but a bunch whining pussies not happy with his policies.
    #14     Jun 5, 2012
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    General Labor Law is just fine for all the people that work in industries where there IS no union.
    #15     Jun 5, 2012
  6. Lucrum


    While we can in part thank labor union of years gone by for these laws. Today's unions have largely outlived their usefulness.
    #16     Jun 5, 2012
  7. You need to be more specific. It is a plan to curtail the power of public sector, ie government employee, unions. It has nothing to do with private employers.

    Public sector unions were not even allowed until relatively recently in most states, and for good reason. It was assumed that governments would not take advantage of workers as private employers might. Moreover, government workers are typically protected by civil service laws, which give them more protection than private sector unionized workers.

    Most importantly, allowing public sector unions seriously alters the employer-employee relationship where terms of employment are concerned. Unlike in private industry, no longer are the two sides necessarily adverserial in salary and benefits negotiations. A local school board dominated by teacher union-approved and supported members is not likely to drive a very hard bargain on behalf of taxpayers. Similarly at the state level when the governor owes his election to union support and money. In effect, the taxpayers own money is being used to stack the deck against them.

    Call it union-busting if you want, but the fact is states can no longer afford to give lavish compensation and benefits to government employees just because the union says to do so. There is nothing "unfair" about it either. Government jobs are coveted, proving that the pay and benefits are above market.
    #17     Jun 5, 2012
  8. Lucrum


    + 101
    #18     Jun 5, 2012
  9. I don't disagree with your point about public unions, but there is a slippery slope argument one could make, although private unions have been pretty much decimated anyway.
    You'll get no argument from me that unions have brought much of this on themselves. Over the years they have spent far too much time, energy, and money saving the jobs of slugs who need to be put out in the street. In the private sector unions have watched huge numbers of the "union brothers" go on layoff while those that remain work 60-70 hour weeks. I can tell you that didn't happen 40 years ago, least not when I was a union member working for American Bridge. We worked O.T. for more than two consecutive weeks, the company had to start calling people back from layoff. That's taking care of your union brothers. Excessive O.T. also suppresses the hourly wage.
    I'm rambling here, but this all get's back to my central point of sharing the pain for this economic debacle. Unions have screwed the pooch on many levels, but they ain't the only one's that caused this mess.

    #19     Jun 5, 2012
  10. Union GREED is getting bitch slapped.

    59%-41% against the thugs. 8% reporting.

    Take back our country. End the obscene pensions. Stop raising our taxes to pay for some incompetent bum who can't get fired!
    #20     Jun 5, 2012