Wisconsin Beating

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. Garbage. There are as many poor whites in the nation as there are poor blacks- even though blacks are only 12% of the nation (and despite legislated racial discrimination heavily in their favor). Yet, the impoverished whites have a fraction of the violent crime rate which impoverished blacks do. Further, despite the fact that blacks are 12% of the population, they commit 85% of the interracial crime. If the cause were poverty, it would be equal, given that there are roughly the same absolute number of impoverished blacks and impoverished whites. Yet that's not what we see.

    In Brazil their underclass is as brown as it is black. Take a look inside the multicultural paradise of Brazil (what our nation is headed towards), in a favela, and you will see mostly Africans, Mestizos, and some mix thereof, generally speaking. In Greece, much of the rioting these days is aimed at getting Arabs/Muslims out of Greece. You're so uninformed that you're trying to claim that white greeks are the lower class which are rioting against the Arab/Muslim greek upper class?! LOL! Man the logical yoga you're capable of to try to cram events into your outdated, mythical world view is truly astounding.

    #31     Aug 5, 2011
  2. bone


    I agree with Ricter that this thread should be closed down. While the baseline story is true, an indeed there was apparently widespread black on white violence, the thread title and the ensuing rhetoric is simply unacceptable.
    #32     Aug 5, 2011
  3. pspr


    Yeah, those people calling me racist are completely out of line and should be banned from ET. :D
    #33     Aug 5, 2011
  4. I can admit that some of the things said were inappropriate and "racist" by contemporary PC standards.

    However, what you don't see is that this is simply a response to oppression, a way to vent. These are white men. Their people are being disproportionately raped, robbed, and murdered by another group of people and that's very troubling to them, as it is to many of us. Let alone experiencing racial discrimination for jobs, education, education funding, and promotions in the favor of the very groups who are raping, robbing, and killing their people at an almost unbelievably disproportional rate. Add to that that their are paying for the welfare, room, and board of a large portion of these very groups of people who are brutalizing them, while they watch their friends and family be victimized by this barbarism, and the cities that their ancestors built be destroyed and torn apart by these same groups of people, while they and their families must flee and build new communities to maintain safety and reasonable living standards for their families. To add insult to injury, despite the fact that the civilizations of their ancestors are being torn apart by people who they are disproportionately supporting, while being raped, robbed, and killed disproportionately by them, having themselves and their family discriminated against in their favor, they can not dare to utter a word about it in public, for fear of being called the dreaded "r-word", which can have serious professional and reputational consequences. All this, and they must suffer in silence, without uttering a word about it, or the PC orthodoxy with have their head. They are silenced from even talking about what's happening to them, their people, and their civilization. This, quite naturally, creates resentment, and can cause one to make "racist" comments as a means of coping with a very dreadful reality.

    You wouldn't dare call a black person from the post civil war confederacy, who'd had his family or friends lynched by klansmen a "racist" for calling a white person a "honkey" or a "cracker". You wouldn't dare call an indian in the 1700s "racist" for calling white men evil after they'd killed his tribesmen and raped their women, and you ought to be ashamed for being so insensitive towards the position white people are in today.

    All you pinkos yelling "racist" and calling for the thread to be shut down are never here singing the same song when someone says 'redneck', 'hick', 'hilllbilly', etc. Funny how this "racism" is only such a travesty when it's directed at non whites.

    #34     Aug 5, 2011
  5. Lucrum


    Ricter is already crying in Feedback about closing the thread.
    You need a tissue buddy?

    Politics & Religion

    Not for the faint of heart. If you are easily offended, stay away from this forum!
    #35     Aug 5, 2011
  6. Ricter


    You're the one starting the "panty" stuff, yet again, so your own skin is pretty thin, too.
    #36     Aug 5, 2011
  7. pspr


    Awwwhh, poor Ricter. Did his sensibilities get offended?

    I'm sorry Ricter, was it my harsh reference to a recent movie without regard to the animals in the story? Was it my teasing about the extermination of murderers, thieves and rapists? Or was it because I'm a white guy saying what I think in a politically correct world gone crazy?
    #37     Aug 5, 2011
  8. Ricter


    If our nation was all lily-white, but unequal, we'd still be fighting but using hair or eye color as an excuse.
    #38     Aug 5, 2011
  9. A cursory examination of mostly homogeneous, developed nations quickly reveals that this is a crock of rotten horse shit. A quick glance at Denmark and Japan reveal the comical nature of this assertion. Did you see Japan during the tsunami? People were turning in lost wallets with cash in them to lost and found centers, where they got back to the owners. Compare and contrast this with the horrific barbarism in Haiti and New Orleans, or daily life in much of sub saharan Africa for that matter.

    #39     Aug 5, 2011
  10. Ricter


    You're not listening, so it's "boo hoo" you, first. At any rate, this forum, such as it is, does have a foundation called the TOS. Far as I'm concerned you've violated it. If the Jew thread of last week violated it, then this one does.
    #40     Aug 5, 2011