Winning $20 M Won't Make You Happy

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by ironchef, May 31, 2019.

  1. ElCubano


    “It doesn’t matter for what reasons you do the right thing. Even for wrong reasons you do the right thing, the right things will happen to you”- Sadhguru.
    #121     Jun 11, 2019
    Pension_Admin likes this.
  2. slvrrisc


    Winning $20 M would be a relief, if not entirely happy about everything. Having significant wealth can enable one to be more free to pursue other goals and interests in life without having to be dragged down and reminded of the cost of living everyday or worrying about making ends meet for oneself or one's family. One could donate some to churches & charities, help out family or friends in need, send kids to better private schools, start or buy a business to employ people and factor into the economy as part of the small business segment, etc.
    #122     Jun 12, 2019
  3. ElCubano


  4. Money relieves many of the pressures that prevent you from going after things that truly make you happy. Having money allows me to have pursuits outside of business that make me happy.

    If you are rich and sit around all day watching TV and posting on FB then don't blame the money.
    #124     Jun 18, 2019
    luisHK likes this.
  5. ElCubano


    If you have to go "after things that truly make you happy" you are missing the point. I understand your logic though.
    #125     Jun 18, 2019
    volente_00 likes this.
  6. Going after things mean having the time and luxury to travel and see the world, try out new hobbies, do new adventures, not about material things. As I said, if you are happy sitting on the couch watching football all day Saturday, then you don't need to have money to do that, just enough for a cable bill and boxer shorts.

    Ths who are struggling financially find their own happiness within their means but the bullshit that money won't bring you the means to find happiness is cliche.
    #126     Jun 18, 2019
  7. cafeole


    You didn't take into account that Mexicans are Roman Catholic and most take their religion seriously. Suicide is a mortal sin to them. You can bear a LOT if your soul is on the line.
    #127     Jun 18, 2019
  8. ElCubano


    Things still happen, people are still the same within. Just like buying something you like the novelty will wear off and you are left with YOU. My point is not that it cant make your life easier, more luxurious, pay the bills, eat better , take longer trips. My point is that those things in and off itself will not make you happier. Chasing, wanting, expecting, attachments will wear off just like it wears of at any financial level you are in. Giving, serving, empathy, how little you need those things are a part of Gratitude and that my friend never wears off. That's my point.
    #128     Jun 24, 2019
  9. I think it is true , happiness is something else , from my perspective I want to add something , I grew up in the former USSR , I didn't have much , but plenty of free time for socializing.

    Now I have much more , I'm not rich , but I'm ok , but I'm not really happy , if I make more money , that won't make me happy.

    Here is what makes one happy , "love" very powerful state of mind , can't be replaced with anything.
    #129     Jun 26, 2019
  10. IamaMars


    Those who have experienced such encounters with money know what this thread is all about. Hustlers are wondering what you mean coz we are praying day and night to win the jackpot. All in all, I have learnt that money does not make one happy if you lack other important things in life like peace
    #130     Jul 3, 2019