Winners and Losers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Mar 27, 2003.

  1. msfe, hilarious!

    I am waiting for the analysis that tries to prove that the Iraqis really are jubilant that they're being invaded. (By their beloved former conquerors, the British, no less!)

    #11     Mar 27, 2003

  2. Could we also add the wives, husbands, parents, children, lovers and friends of the Coalition and Iraqi soldiers who will die in this war.
    #12     Mar 27, 2003
  3. msfe


    i don´t - isn´t it "Winners and Losers", the American supremacy site ?

    thanks for the hint anyway

    #13     Mar 27, 2003
  4. skeptic123

    skeptic123 Guest

    Could we also add to the winners the wives, husbands, parents, children, lovers and friends of those who will not die in a future terrorist attack in which Saddam's WMD will be used or a in a future war started by him.
    #14     Mar 27, 2003
  5. Who will the biggest loser be, other than Saddam and his crowd? I say Turkey. They have permanently ruined their relations with Bush. They will have zero influence in post Saddam Iraq. They will end up getting screwed by the French and Germans anyway. They kissed off a hell of a lot of money from us. They will now have to contend with a semi-autonomous Kurdish state in northern Iraq, their worst nightmare. We will guarantee the Kurd's security and likely arm them heavily. We will no longer give Turkey any support on Cyprus.

    Bottom line, they blew it big time.
    #15     Mar 27, 2003
  6. You've been watching too much "Minority Report". :)

    Or perhaps it's some traders' disease -- Guilt by Speculation.
    #16     Mar 27, 2003
  7. skeptic123

    skeptic123 Guest

    There is another trader's disease - fear to pull the trigger. If we pulled the trigger on Afghanistan/Al-Qaeda in 2000, we would not have 9/11.

    We have to learn from our mistakes and we do not want the next 9/11 to take 30K or 300K of american lives. You may be safe in Argentina or Australia or wherever it is you live, but we are not safe here in USA and WE WILL TAKE PREVENTIVE MEASURES.

    BTW can you imagine the outrage of pacifists like yourself if we did Afghanistan in 2000 prior to 9/11. Wouldn't we have been called facists, aggressors, imperialists and blamed in trading blood for oil?
    #17     Mar 27, 2003
  8. whocares


    It's so funny how the winners are mainly individuals, whereas, losers are almost the rest of the world :)
    #18     Mar 28, 2003
  9. ...There is another trader's disease - fear to pull the trigger. If we pulled the trigger on Afghanistan/Al-Qaeda in 2000, we would not have 9/11.

    How's this? Destroy every other nation on earth, and you'll never have any more causes for concern.

    ...We have to learn from our mistakes and we do not want the next 9/11 to take 30K or 300K of american lives. You may be safe in Argentina or Australia or wherever it is you live, but we are not safe here in USA and WE WILL TAKE PREVENTIVE MEASURES.

    Of course, you are the mighty USA.

    Would you be willing to grant the same privileges to every other sovereign nation?

    ...BTW can you imagine the outrage of pacifists like yourself if we did Afghanistan in 2000 prior to 9/11. Wouldn't we have been called facists, aggressors, imperialists and blamed in trading blood for oil?

    And rightly so! Geez. By what measures would you have considered an invasion of Afghanistan justified in 2000?

    Here's a little tip for you: stop meddling in, and seeking to control, the affairs of other nations. Get it? You can use the example of the other 200 or so countries on planet Earth, that don't engage in this behavior, as a guide.

    BTW, a pacifist abhors all wars. I think it is perfectly acceptable to DEFEND yourself, as a nation, when attacked.

    Afghanistan was a great example of this. Iraq, needless to say, is not.

    There's a double standard and you know it. At least be willing to confess to it.
    #19     Mar 28, 2003
  10. ZBEAR



    EWE say....."a pacifist abhors all wars".

    Brilliant Statement.........Brilliant.
    ........sums up the peacenik argument completely.....

    and..... ALL SHEEP.........ABHORE ALL WOLVES

    Saddam of a Sheep......
    .........and the US ,,,,, is a big bad Wolf.

    What never ceases to amuse..... is how you Sheep always BLEET BLEET BLEET
    when we Wolves fight.

    .........afterall......"EWE" are "OUR" Sheep,
    and EWE will be protected.........your Wool is ours by God.

    #20     Mar 28, 2003