I switched from Townsend Anyalytics a few weeks back to esignal for reasons I dont want to go into. I kind of like esignal, especially the overlay function as you can put a dozen indexes on the same chart but I had occasional problems with freezups. I was about to give up and change back but posts on this forum convinced me to change to Windows 2000 Pro in spite of worries about installations problems. I'm glad to say that installation was no problem at all and no more freezups. Thanks guys.
Nicodemus, I switched from Townsend Anyalytics a few weeks back to esignal for reasons I dont want to go into. Please do go into them , at least a little bit, because I've been toying with the idea of switching to TAL, or at least adding it in addition to my Cyber account. Regarding Win2000, I run two computers, one with NT which has been a faithful servant on it for 4 years, and one with W2K which I installed about 6 months ago. Both are very stable systems and I like both O/S. While W2K has a number of advantages (USB support, a hardware device mgr., etc.) I still find that NT unquestionably manages memory better, reclaiming all from closed programs. W2K often does, but sometimes doesn't. For instance, I've got 384mb on each machine and after bootup both start with about 300mb free. If I open Photoshop on both, edit various size image files, use it extensively, etc. when I close Photoshop NT will still have about 300mb free. W2K will often only show about 200mb free! It's like 100mb of memory has vanished and there's nothing I can do with any of my memory utilities to reclaim it, short of rebooting. With that said I still like and use both O/S, just another Microsoft quirk...
Magna ok. The problem was with billing. I had an ongoing problem for several months but there is a simple solution. Do not use a credit card! If you upgrade or downgrade they seem to have a problem with their accounting. Have them bill you every month and send them a check. Then there is no problem.The problem was not with the software. It is a good program. It has a couple of advantages over esignal such as drag and drop and premarket scanning for gaps. These don't matter so much to me any more and esignal is $60 cheaper. A penny saved is a penny earned. I dont know if they have the mini's but I imagine they do and of course they have Tony's scanner.
Nicodemus, Thanks for the heads-up regarding TAL and credit cards. If I add their service I'll definitely set it up with payment by monthly check!