WIN 2000 or WIN XP?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by tjymaui, Apr 16, 2002.

  1. DblArrow


    Had some lock up problems - sytem would quite responding, no blue screen, mouse just quit, had nothing. After 6 months and noone could find it (yes I had the problem even after fresh install and no other software loaded), I went to XP. And have had only 1 blue screen, trying to make it crash.

    I used 2000 Pro previously also on a different computer and it ran great. It certainly ran better than 98. Not an arguement against 2000 Pro, just some support for XP.

    Let me also say if there was an alternative to Windows, for what I need to do, I would switch in a heartbeat!
    #11     Apr 17, 2002
  2. WIn 2000 all the way !!!!! Great operating system .
    #12     Apr 17, 2002
  3. Just something to consider...if you install XP and then change some hardware later on (video card, Harddrive, modem,etc) it causes problems and you have to re-register or something. When you install XP initially,it appears, it takes note of all your hardwares IDs. I was told W2K was practically the same OS,so personally I think I would go with 2K. Hope this helps
    #13     Apr 17, 2002
  4. DblArrow


    Thug life, the performance issue does not surprise me, with the size of XP, and for my work is not really much of and issue. I don't see whether one is 2 seconds or 15 seconds faster at performing a certain task as that important. Both instantly sent orders out and charts update as they should. My concern is that of stability.
    #14     Apr 17, 2002
  5. DblArrow


    "or something" is the key here, to many misconceptions floating around. Harddrive, out of that which you mentioned, is all that might, MIGHT, trigger reactivation. If XP thinks its a new computer it will require reactivation. A new video card has not triggered the need to do so. This is from experiaenc.
    #15     Apr 17, 2002
  6. lufan


    #16     Apr 17, 2002

  7. Hi DblArrow...:) Sorry to be so vague. Here's where I got my "opinion" from. Lol The first link concerns the two OS
    I couldn't find the article I read about the hardware problem,but it's in there somewhere! It's a pretty neat little website.
    #17     Apr 17, 2002

  8. I Found It!! Sorry,you were right. Seems it will only cause problems if you switch out a lot of stuff at the same 8th question)...Have a good day
    #18     Apr 17, 2002