Will you continue to trade w/o Bullets?

Discussion in 'Order Execution' started by jlcarey1, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. jlcarey1


    I am just curious about this question...

    Will you continue to trade without Bullets or will you stop altogether?
  2. I have been daytrading without using bullets for 3 yrs.
  3. I really cannot see what a big problem
    makes everyone of this. :confused:

    SSFs are available to create a long/short
    position of which you can liquidate the
    long stock part anytime. However, this
    is not as cheap as a bullet but won't
    matter if you trade a stock in & out.

    Of course, small cap is not available...
  4. Why wouldn't you continue to trade just because bullets are unavailable?

    Bullets served a useful purpose, but they were only required when you wanted to go short and didn't (or couldn't) want to wait for an uptick.

    I think I will look to trade NASDAQ stocks a little more, since I find them easier to short or maybe I will will look into ETFs.
  5. 22 years without bullets....just trade em!
  6. okwon


    It is or it isn't a big deal depending on how you trade. There are many traders that step in front of market shorts for a couple of cents on NYSE stocks as their primary strategy. This is done at many proprietary firm offices. Obviously, without being able to short on downticks, this type of trading will cease to exist.