will whites ever embrace what is right?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by fhl, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. I thought it was very bad taste for Lowery to make those comments.

    Besides, Obama is HALF WHITE!!

    Is it okay, then, to refer to BO as President Oreo, or will Lowery and his ilk get upset?

    Get ready for 4 years of white-bashing, and if you point out the hypocrisy, you'll be labeled a racist.

    Time to grin and bear it. (Chris Rock voice goes here): After all, the slaves did for centuries, so what's 4 years, crackah?!?!
    #11     Jan 21, 2009
  2. Well...i guess if I wanted to rhyme i could say "Will blacks stop using crack" or "will blacks stop their attacks" But i would definately be called a racist then. Doesnt matter if what i say is true...if i say something negative about someone that is NOT a white male between the ages of 18-65, then im a racist, bigot or whatever else they can think of to say about me.
    #12     Jan 21, 2009
  3. Mav88


    Obama is more than half white, he was raised by white people. It seems white did what was right and stuck around to be in his life.
    #13     Jan 21, 2009
  4. I agree, this was a stupid choice of words and represents the worst of whiny left thinking. The Reverend is past it, and it's not good that Obama signed off on this, if that's what happened.
    #14     Jan 21, 2009
  5. taodr


    Got news for you. Obama team will clean out those jails real fast and welcome the brothers back to 'society' !
    #15     Jan 21, 2009
  6. Hillary was the one who wants to give felons the right to vote, or is it all Democrats?
    #16     Jan 21, 2009
  7. translation "you thought electing obama would end the white guilt? HA HA HA SUCKERS!"
    #17     Jan 21, 2009
  8. ==============================

    Funny but ''when brown will stick arouind-''- was analyzed by Rush;;
    Rush Limbaugh thouht [perhaps]it was reference to indians selling untaxed tobacco:D

    Probably refers to hispanics- dont panic

    WORRY is like a rocking chair-
    it gives you something to do,
    but will not get you anywhere.:p -Dr John Hagee
    #18     Jan 22, 2009
  9. Funny...all the hoopla over Rick Warren who actually gave a pretty "inclusive" speach...then the old black dude comes across with racial sterotypes...I was taken aback, sure it was mildly amusing but inappropriate.

    Personally I think they should completely get rid of invocations and benedictions in a presidential swearing in.
    #19     Jan 22, 2009
  10. maxpi


    Black women won't even move out of the aisle in WalMart for a white guy, and chill?? they'd rather call up some hoodlums to shoot you..

    All these assholes blame whitey for their failures... watch "30 days on an indian reservation" on hulu... it comes out that the people on the reservation don't have jobs because the tribal leaders won't ok businesses!! Blacks aren't in the private sector because Jessie Jack-em-up sues the private sector and makes the "cost of ownership" for a black worker totally unrealistic.. nobody in their right minds hires them... The communists have translated the constitutional idea of "equality under the law" to "economic equality" and they want to implement it by taxation, extortion via the legal system, etc... and lots of these stupid pastors buy into it. It takes almost no education to become a pastor and a spokesman for the community...

    I say it is the duty of every white person to make as much money as they possibly can, they owe it to their families... and to sit back and laugh at all the godless self defeatist whiners... by the time the government handles your tax money and doles it out to the sick, lame, criminally insane, criminals, lazy, etc., they won't get doodly squat anyhow...
    #20     Jan 22, 2009