Will Obama's Uncle Be Deported Back To Kenya?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. pspr


    President Obama's illegal immigrant half-uncle is preparing to fight new efforts by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to deport him, myFOXboston.com reported Friday.

    Onyango Obama met with immigration officials Thursday as they began the process of sending him back to Kenya, according to the Boston Herald.

    He is required to regularly check in with immigration officials pending his removal, ICE spokesman Brian Hale was quoted as saying.

    The Kenyan national, who is the half-brother of the President's father, was ordered to leave the country in 1992 but never left.

    His immigration status came to light after he was arrested in August last year for driving under the influence.

    Onyango Obama was pulled over in Framingham, Mass., about 20 miles southwest of Boston, after making a sudden right turn at a stop sign and nearly colliding with a police cruiser. He initially denied being drunk but later admitted to having had "two beers."

    He had a blood-alcohol content of .14 percent, above the legal limit of 0.08.

    Obama plans on fighting the deportation and has hired the same attorney who helped the President's half-aunt win asylum in 2010, myFOXboston.com reported.
