Will Obama get reelected?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by crgarcia, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. NKNY


    Hey insider, I'll take the other side of that.:)

    Unless they are rigged there is no way this Marxist is winning. As a matter of fact, I'll go out on a limb and say that the dems may even lose the house and senate in the mid terms, and by a a wide margin too. It will be payback voting, anything with a "D" next to it will get punished for obamas actions. You see, he campaigned as a centrist and rules from the far "extream" left.

    People feel betrayed... Heck, I even know dems who are freaking out...

    But in the end it really doesn't matter who wins, we are all screwed anyway. This left, right crap is a farce... two roads to the same destination..

    #41     Jul 19, 2009
  2. NKNY


    Now Ron Paul is a man I can def vote for. But he would never get the nomination.... I guess he's not corrupt like the garbage they are going to force feed us...

    In my dream world, I envision a third party come to power, a party that truly cares for and listens to it's people and actually looks at the constitution from time to time.......Aren't dreams nice...
    #42     Jul 19, 2009