Will baby boomers get their pension?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by morganist, Jun 14, 2011.

Will baby boomers get their pension.

  1. No they will get nothing.

    8 vote(s)
  2. They will get next to nothing but something.

    17 vote(s)
  3. They will have enough to live on.

    6 vote(s)
  4. They will get everything they paid for.

    4 vote(s)
  1. bone


    I was under the impression that most of the 'hippies' eventually morphed themselves into 'boomers', which means that they actually paid into the system for some extended period of time. No ?
    #41     Jun 20, 2011
  2. morganist

    morganist Guest

    Bone I like your website and your business idea. Very well put together.
    #42     Jun 20, 2011
  3. Actually, the Boomers paid WAAAYYYY more "into the system" and income taxes than any generation. The major reason the Boomers are a "problem"... is because greedy politicians stole the Social Security Reserve and promised too much in the way of benefits/Medicare than the country can afford to pay.

    The Boomers are a "problem" because of their numbers.... but not because of problems they themselves caused. They're going to get stiffed right along with the younger folks...
    #43     Jun 20, 2011
  4. bone


    It's frankly a lousy looking website I carved together in an afternoon, and it looks the part. Good part is, my clients like me and they are making money trading spreads in all the market sectors. I took a client on in March from the S&P pit here in Chicago who is now 7 for 7 this year in of all things the grain spreads. I took on a physical power trader last Spring who now fancies himself a Gold vs. Silver trader - he says it makes him a better power trader because he doesn't have to force trades to make money in one market. In January I took on a big WTI vs. Brent spreader who now fancies himself to be a yield curve spread trader.

    So, despite the flaws, the website is somewhat functional and the best part is that my clients appear to be delighted. Advanced stuff for experienced traders, though - I can open up another revenue stream for an experienced scalper but I'm afraid that I can't do anything for a virgin.
    #44     Jun 20, 2011
  5. morganist

    morganist Guest

    How longs your business been going for. Is it new?
    #45     Jun 20, 2011
  6. bone


    I have been taking clients for about 30 months now - two commercial clients and 60 ET Members who are individual clients. I still trade my own account, and usually work with clients during the afternoon and evening hours. I keep a cap on the number of clients I take on, and tend to rotate them in and out in order to accomodate my schedule.

    Biggest surprise for me was that there are actually some very big traders who are members on ET but they never post. I have several individual clients who are well into seven figures, and a couple are eight figure annual producers - of course, they were that way before they hired me. One HF in Manhattan, and one prop group here in Chicago in terms of commercial clients.

    A good, solid prospect can speak with my clients independently and make their own asssessment about my value. But again, this is considered to be a fairly advanced trading technique and I would require an experienced trader to work with. No 'newbies'.
    #46     Jun 20, 2011
  7. morganist

    morganist Guest

    I'm not a trader. I invent banking systems, aggregate demand controls, pension and taxation systems etc.
    #47     Jun 20, 2011