Will an Oxford Graduate Degree in Pure Math get you interviews for salaried trading?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FreedomPhighter, Jun 2, 2003.

  1. To some degree you remind me a little bit of a young man who came on this website with a rather grand entrance and told us all about how he was going to make a million dollars from 5000 trading the ES.

    He posted a chart for us to look at and believed that chart was equivalent to an *ATM* machine. He had his plan made out and was just itching to fund his trading account.

    Well, the big day came and he started trading. He ended up having a pretty tough several days and topped it off with a nice dinner of fresh *crow.* He reminded me a little bit of myself. I've had a few plates of crow in my lifetime as well.

    Now that young man became humbled - he ended up with a rather *long row to hoe*. I'm almost certain that he hasn't lost sight of his million dollar dream, but he has a different outlook now than he had back then. He is older and wiser from that experience.

    Somehow, I get the feeling that you will have a long row to hoe as well. Only yours will come a little bit later and a lot longer. Right now I think that you just don't understand a lot of what I've been trying to say.

    Someday you will. Although you claim to be humble, it is apparent that you just haven't yet had a good plate of crow.

    #21     Jun 2, 2003
  2. The guy probably shouldn't have told everyone on here about his idea.....I wonder how many people actually shorted the guys stock (I imagine that all the members on here have considerable leverage also)....

    TIP: only let out your secret AFTER it no longer applies

    #22     Jun 2, 2003
  3. hmmm.....

    Are you writing these posts to make others feel happy for your achievements?

    Why do you want to become a trader? Trading is not a get-rich-quick thing. If you make money fast you lose money fast. You're gonna feel stupid getting paid $50000 - 30000(if you get paid) an year while your other Oxford friends are getting paid more. No firms are gonna start you off with huge size. Have you thought about the probability of you becoming successful in trading versus taking some other career?

    Good Luck!

    #23     Jun 2, 2003
  4. Nobody trades anybody's idea in ET. They trade the market and not any news, opinions, ideas, or etc.. That's why these guys are good. I have no opinions when I trade. I let the market tell its own story. I just follow the story.

    Good Luck

    #24     Jun 2, 2003
  5. JT47319


    Do a search for "quant" and "programming." I believe this was discussed in great detail as to the necessary background for would-be quants.

    Perhaps that might be the field for you.
    #25     Jun 2, 2003
  6. Zooooooooooooooom - swishhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    That's two in a row that just went right on by.

    good luck,

    #26     Jun 2, 2003
  7. are a HOOT!:D

    I think they'd be even funnier if this guy were for real though. No one is this much of a tool. How many times can you mention "Oxford" in one thread?!:eek:

    The part about the "humble beginnings", etc was a bit too sappy.

    Few threads actually make me laugh out loud -- this one did!!

    (Reminds me of that "40-year old trader" thread several months ago. --- remember? the guy quit his job and decided to support his wife and kids trading some proprietary system he invented. Now that one was funny too)!

    #27     Jun 2, 2003
  8. LOL:D
    #28     Jun 2, 2003
  9. Will an Oxford Graduate Degree in Pure Math get you interviews for salaried trading?


    Answer the poll


    The question you should be asking is: "Is it possible for someone who cannot learn to get an education?"

    #29     Jun 2, 2003
  10. Stupid threads never die -- they just get recycled!
    #30     Aug 15, 2003