Wikis and Wall Street

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by libertad, Feb 21, 2009.


    What actually should be ocurring is the changing of the regulations that prevent the BATS trading model from being fully implemented worldwide for all exchanges....

    What was left out of the article....would be the interelated "public" wiki....which would largely replace brokers per that more accurate and complete information could easily be perused directly by the client....

    The third part being the complete integration of the exchanges into a singular "BATS" format.....representing currency/currency change of choice....

    Thus if a US citizen would like to invest/trade in a Chinese company....or if a Chinese would like to invest/trade in a US company....they would simply Wiki the required information....and via direct access electronic technology facilitate all securities transactions....of any type they choose....Stocks, bonds, cds, cash currency, commodities, etc....via a singular universal account....