Wiki leak, slaughter of non hostiles, including 2 Reuters employees on video.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by phenomena, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. Lucrum


    Why would he?

    Why would that matter and even if there are who cares?
    #31     Dec 2, 2010
  2. You already know the answers to both of your questions.
    #32     Dec 2, 2010
  3. OK, I understand now. You have all the worldly experience of a 12 year old. Don't know what My Lai is? That explains things. Since you don't know what an actual war crime is, it's understandable that you would think the activity shown in the video is some type of crime. I get that now.
    Now go wave your flag, wear your little pin and say what is politically correct to say. You know, the whole hate the war, love the troops spin. It's clear you despise the troops and have absolutely no understanding of what they're going through. That's OK too, not understanding. How could you? However, you're quick to pass judgment, aren't you? I came home to an army of people just like you, so I'm not surprised, or even angry. I'm past all that and have been for a long time. Enjoy your freedom, and don't worry, someone will be there to step up and protect it for you.
    #33     Dec 2, 2010
  4. Oh cry me a river, go wallow in your self pity and your insecurities to someone else. That way I don't have to have you here trying to tell me about what *I* think. You have some gaul trying to tell me about what is PC because I'm about the furthest thing from it. In fact the politically correct thing to do is to "support your nation" and condemn wikileaks. You didn't come home to an army of people like me, because people like me didn't exist when you came home. I don't hate the troops by any means, and the troops themselves overwhelmingly agree with me, which is why Ron Paul received more money from the troops than any other candidate. I don't hate the troops at all. In fact I like them all so much, I want to bring them home so they can be with their families and loved ones while they are still protecting us here, on the US border, where we need them. Trying to slander me because I don't know about every detail of one of our other failed military endeavors which cost us billions and thousands of american lives is a transparent and meaningless crock.

    Sure we can always send some back over if Israel or Kuwait gets attacked, and maybe we can leave a few there just in case, only if they want us to of course... but this imperial conquest bullshit is hemoraging money, and we have NO BUSINESS THERE. Most importantly, we have problems at home, and we need our military here.

    Exactly why is it that you think we have any business there whatsoever anyways?? Exactly how do you justify the billion after billion after billion that goes down the toilet there, not to mention the American lives lost?

    #34     Dec 2, 2010
  5. Hello


    You cant possibly be talking about the U.S. government...... Do You mind telling me which freedoms were lost prior to the war in afghanistan/Iraq, which ones were directly related to Afghan/Iraqi citizens??? Exactly which freedoms did we protect over there? I can tell you of a hell of alot of freedoms the U.S. government has chosen to steal from us in that time....

    You wanna talk about freedoms? At what point did Al-Quaeda threaten our freedom? The only point it threatened our freedom is when we allowed idiots like Bush to enact the patriot act, and Obama to assasinate citizens at will, and ridiculous drug laws to prevail. Al-Quaeda was only able to steal our freedom because we allowed the U.S. government to do it, all under the guise of protecting our supposed freedom. Freedom, Ha!! What a joke, only Hannity could pitch a line like that.
    #35     Dec 2, 2010
  6. No kidding!! What country is he talking about?! More freedoms have gone down the toilet since the beginning of these wars than any time since hay days of the 80s drug war! Guess he didn't catch that whole patriot act thing, and he hasn't been to an airport recently... Prison populations have shot thru the roof and we now imprison a higher number of people and % of our population than any other nation on earth!!! So please tell me about this anomalous freedom defense... I mean, at least they USED to pretend to adhere to the constitution, now they don't even bother with the facade!

    #36     Dec 2, 2010
  7. Hello


    When politicians/people use the line "we are protecting our freedoms" to justify the slaying of thousands of americans overseas, it makes me sick. It is the biggest bullshit line i have ever heard. At what point in American history were our freedoms under attack??? Pearl Harbour? That was only what...70 years ago??

    There has not been an actual military assault on U.S. soil since the 40's, yet the reason for going to war is to protect freedoms? Give me a fucking break, it is nothing more then a talking point for the government to grab more money and power from the everyday citizen. It is even worse that they use the exact line "protect our freedoms" to steal every freedom we have.

    Dont get me wrong i support our troops and i appreciate what they are doing, and i am thankful,they make the ultimate sacrifice, i just hate the lying thieving government.

    #37     Dec 2, 2010
  8. Slaughter is when they chop your head off with a hatchet. You know, your friends in the Religion of Peace.

    This was a swift kill.
    #38     Dec 2, 2010
  9. Oh yah, your right, that was totally humane... what was I thinking?

    #39     Dec 2, 2010