Why you should vote for Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by tenthousandmen, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. None of that is clear at all.He could have did what Bush did and said he wasn't concerned about Bin Laden

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JRY_BOYeySc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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    #11     Mar 1, 2012
  2. 377OHMS


    Yeah, I was referring to Libya. I know it was cheap and no casualties but it was, yknow, another conflict.

    On Iran he (Obama) said he would get Iran to the negotiating table and use diplomacy to get them to stop the nuke work. Its been a few years and Iran is still enriching fuel and making threats. I don't think we even had a meeting with them. Why doesn't he sent Hillary over there and offer them something to get them to chill? Also, when the diplomacy wasn't working why didn't he put the tough sanctions in place? Now he is putting tough sanctions on them but it is really late in the game.
    #12     Mar 1, 2012
  3. This is where it gets a bit tough. Many think he is an 'appeaser' and shouldn't negotiate with our potential enemies. Others want him to exhaust all sanctions and other methods of negotiation. Some say he should 'get tough' - well, for either 'side' of the political spectrum, it really is hard. Too tough? Too soft?

    I'm happy so far, to a point, that we haven't gone off half-cocked, no pun intended, into another middle east nightmare. Keeping fingers crossed.

    #13     Mar 1, 2012
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    Dont forget that Obama dispatched troops all over Africa to fight the Lords Resistance Army which is another war that very few americans know about which we just got involved in...yet another feather in the cap of our perpetual war machine.....

    #14     Mar 1, 2012
  5. rew


    Obama is no worse than his 2008 opponent, McCain, but I can't be enthusiastic about him. His circuit and supreme court nominations have been disasters. He's already gotten us into two new wars. And he is no more interested in restoring the Bill of Rights than the neocons are.

    As for the deficits, both parties are equally to blame. The typical Republican is just as profligate as the typical Democrat.

    I will be voting for Ron Paul in the primary, just as I did in 2008. In the general election, when Ron Paul is almost certainly not going to be on the ballot, I will vote for Gary Johnson. I will not vote for the usual pod people.
    #15     Mar 1, 2012
  6. These crazy extremists deserve our intervention IMO. I put this more of a 'police action' type of thing, similar to the Korean war. I know, I know, splitting hairs, we all watched MASH, and war is war. And, yes I know there are other places in the world that need help, and we shouldn't have to be the policemen of the world. But it's tough to sit idly by, when even a small US contingent can save thousands of lives. Tough calls, tough calls. IMO.

    #16     Mar 1, 2012
  7. 377OHMS


    The new sanctions have teeth. They make it almost impossible for Iran to get paid for crude exports. But time is needed for the effects to hit the population and then for the population to apply pressure to the theocracy. If Israel attacks them it will unite the population behind the theocracy and Iran will probably retaliate against US interests and let Hamas and Hezbollah attack Israel with rockets.

    Those sanctions needed to be put into place last summer.

    My gripe is that I don't appreciate the adminstration letting this go to the brink like this. It wasn't necessary. Even if there is no attack or retaliation there is going to be pressure on crude prices and its going to affect us this summer. I go up into Canada on a friends boat and it will take $1500 to fill the tanks instead of $1000 every time we refuel. No big deal but annoying.
    #17     Mar 1, 2012
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    I used to agree with you, and think we have to do something.....but i see the same shit happening over and over....

    You know the movie "Lord of War?" It isnt just a movie, it is reality, Nicolas Cage says a couple things that really hit home in the movie.....

    The first one is that these African Guerilla armies always give themselves names like "the lords army" or "Freedom fighters" or "liberation army" and shit like that, they always give themselves these pretty names, then go out and just massacrre people.....

    He later goes on to say in that movie.... "you cant stop all the wars...... in my opinion you cant stop ANY of them"

    And that is the truth, it is something we havent learned yet..... we will NEVER stop all the wars in these countries, we can fight wars in the middle east, or Africa till we are blue in the face and the day we pull out there will be a slaughter of Africans, or a new war between Israel and everyone else over there..... so whats the point?

    #18     Mar 1, 2012
  9. True,but Libya was less then a billion and no ground troops and Africa is 100 troops and only act in a support capacity

    Iraq and Afghanistan was hundreds of thousands of troops and will cost trillions of dollars.Romney,Santurum and Newt cant wait to do it all over again in Iran


    On October 14, 2011, President Obama announced that he had ordered the deployment of 100 U.S. military advisors (with a mandate to train, assist and provide intelligence) to help combat the Lord's Resistance Army
    #19     Mar 1, 2012