Why You Should Periodically Rot Your Mind on ET

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Joe Doaks, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Very cleaver. Actually I consider the right side of P&R to be more akin to National Socialism than conservatism. Just like the left is pinko commie queer. I am somewhere in the muddle myself.
    #11     Feb 10, 2011
  2. Samsara


    Most of the denizens of P&R have an itch: self-disgust. The expression of that itch in political terms is the polar opposite of an interest in liberty, so in a sense you're right. Bolsheviks were pretty similar.

    A lot of pure libertarians (objectivists moreso than people like Foucault, Mill, Friedman, or Nozick) have the same itch, it's just bass ackwards in its expression as narcissism, and is self-defeating.

    American conservatism has no identity, it's just a tendency to scratch either itch.
    #12     Feb 10, 2011
  3. So, what, that makes you a pinko commie queer National Socialist?

    Kidding aside, as you well know, National Socialism is a different way of saying right-wing fascisim. And that brings us back to the original question regarding the distinction between ET and ultra right-wing demagoguery.
    #13     Feb 10, 2011
  4. I'm glad you posted. I'd read that yesterday and thought perhaps that study might be applied to a general union philosphy. Oh let's give everyone a break.

    OTH, that's about the general guidline for classrooms.

    Corporate seminars might run a little longer without a break but we'd have to go with the lowest demoninator of the group, otherwise everyone is getting distracted.

    I'd bet if you take the same group and they worked individualy, you get all sorts of random times but together 40 50 minutes as a group is about it.
    #14     Feb 10, 2011
  5. I am an earelevunt old fossoil, so I will simply say this. True patriots are conservatives. The youts of today have no concept of what patriotism is. Otherwise we wun't have the prez we have.
    #15     Feb 10, 2011
  6. I generally don't haunt P&R, unless the topic of gun control comes up. Are there no PCQ's there? I don't see a lot of the posts there because I have so many P&R posters on ignore because they are trading idiots.
    #16     Feb 10, 2011
  7. I related to the study because I have an ADHD attention span a LOT shorter than that. Bitch Market knows this. Look at the duration of long tight consolidations, 20 or 30 minutes exactly, more often that could be randumb. I am usually taking a piss break at breakout.
    #17     Feb 10, 2011
  8. They would be identified as the ones who do not toe the line of the ultra right-wing set that dominates P&R. It's all or nothing, don't you know.
    #18     Feb 10, 2011
  9. Samsara


    I'm no fan of patriotism, nationalism, or any of those noble tribal feelings. They do have utility though -- Beijing gets 10 airports built way faster than Heathrow's new wing. And they get people votin'. True patriots are conservatives, regardless of the country they live in.

    I once taught English in China. Tru story bro. Incredibly warm, nice people in person, but I have to admit, I was incredibly disturbed by their patriotism. I instigated every so often, and I misguidedly [somewhat rudely] brought up the mass starvation that followed one of Mao's 5 year plans. One girl stood up in the middle of class and angrily informed me of my ignorance: that it was the prolonged weather that caused the famine.

    One on one, some of them expressed the exact opposite of their patriotic opinions. I had one dude who gave me a Chinese version of <i>Interpretation of Dreams</i>, which I thought was pretty cool. That's when I got a better appreciation of people as people, beyond their opinions of their governments.

    You and I come from different circumstances, so I'm sure you have many more reasons to recognize the value of patriotism than I do. Not fer me tho. Just my take.
    #19     Feb 10, 2011
  10. I'll do some light reading there and get back to you.
    #20     Feb 10, 2011