Why Would Karl Rove Want To Help Obama?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. I don't see the need to read any ulterior motives into the Rove article. I thought it was excellent advice. Reading it, you can understand why Rove was a brilliant campaign strategist.
    #11     Dec 3, 2007
  2. There are many who do admire an evil genius, as long as that evil is on their side...

    Rove always has an ulterior motive than what is obvious, to think otherwise is foolish.

    Quite laughable to for anything to think a "brilliant campaign strategist" has no ulterior and hidden motive...and they are not gaming for their own advantage, which in this case is Rove's party.

    His motive is not genuinely in any caring manner to actually help Obama secure the presidency or win the nomination on its own merit, that is for sure.

    If Rove were a liberal, you certainly would not trust his motive...which is the point.

    Trust a partisan to be helping the enemy out of the goodness of their heart?

    Very funny...

    #12     Dec 3, 2007
  3. I thought you were dead??? I never in a million years thought i'd say this but....Im glad your all right ..seriously...welcome back!
    #13     Dec 3, 2007
  4. I find it kind of interesting that Mr. Rove, love him or hate him, was put in charge of the Bush Library. I'm sure the liberals will accuse him of attempting to re-write Bush's history to develop a good legacy. I don't care either way, I just think it's funny to put one of the biggest targets in such a no-win situation.

    #14     Dec 3, 2007
  5. I said I didn't see "the need" to read an ulterior motive into it. If your point is, he doesn't really support Obama, of course that is obvious. But the point is, it really was very good advice. Do you dispute that? Are liberals so blinded by Bush Derangement Syndrome that they will refuse good advice if it is tainted by a Bush connection?
    #15     Dec 3, 2007
  6. Bush is deranged, agree.

    This was not an attempt on Rove's part to help Obama, it was a hatchet job on Hillary.

    I have no problem with that, that's politics.

    Had Rove contacted Obama privately to advise him, that's one thing.

    That's not what he did, and he isn't job shopping trying to tell the world that they should hire him.

    You need to disconnect from Limbaugh and try to resuscitate some of those ditto headed infested brain cells with some common sense.

    Hillary should be using this effort by Rove to illustrate that the repubs fear her, and there is good reason for them to fear her...and she should take stuff like this and pound it again and again into the heads how the republicans work.

    This way it is not an attack on Obama or the dems, it is a response to an attack by Rove and company...and hitting the repubs where it hurts most...that a trusted advisor of Bush feels the need to attack Hillary out of fear her being the nominee.

    #16     Dec 3, 2007
  7. Yeah, she could do that and sound as silly as you do. She probably does feel exactly that way, that it is an evil conservative conspiracy, but she has smart people working for her who will tell her that would sound like a paranoid persecution complex.

    Sometimes an article is just an article. Not part of a vast conspiracy.
    #17     Dec 3, 2007
  8. Interesting that you don't take issue with his actual opinion, that Obama needs to stop acting like a wuss.
    #18     Dec 3, 2007
  9. Rove's opinion is just that, his opinion.

    If he is stating fact, then it is not opinion.

    In the absence of presenting fact, having an agenda to support the republican party continuing in power (no, leopards do not change their spots) the real motive for his actions in this matter are the important fact that dems need to clearly understand if they want the best chance of gaining the presidency in 2008.

    Repubs and their advisers naturally want the dems to put up the least electable candidate, and Obama is the least electable among the front runners.

    Repubs fear the Clintons, it is like a gag reflex, they can't help themselves, and when they see a strong independent ball busting woman who might end up in the Oval office, their testes shrink up like a turtle in danger...

    #19     Dec 3, 2007
  10. There is a conservative conspiracy, why would you suggest that there isn't?

    You think conservative operatives don't talk amongst themselves and then develop strategies that would go to whatever lengths necessary to retain power?

    You can't be that naive...

    Acting alone or in concert with other operatives is not the point anyway, the point is that Rove's motives are to attack Clinton, not help Obama.

    Rove is not some academic non political non partisan animal...

    #20     Dec 3, 2007