"Why won't God heal amputees?"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by lkh, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. Any prayer asked in love, or honoring love will be answered, although your Father has no covenant to answer the prayers of your ego, to solve its self-made problems, or to make its fictions result in happiness.

    Your Creator is one with reality. I have already, in a previous post, given you the keys to the pursuit of a new science that is able to regenerate limbs for ALL amputees. But you do not seem interested in ALL amputees.

    Anything sent forth to deceive you will be directed exactly to your ego or to your mind. The reason is that a person's ego considers anything to be true which supports its survival, just as the mind considers anything to be true which supports the supremacy of logic. As a matter of fact, the mind cannot discern fact from fiction if both are presented with equal logic.

    When you are being the love that you are, you realize that the secret of success already exists in the nature of your beingness. Solutions to problems, answers to prayers, and revelations of purpose already exist. It is your duty and challenge to make yourself available to receive them.

    The mind has no power to change your life. That privilege belongs to the heart alone. Being in the Heart is prayer. When you enter the Sacred Heart, you are restored in your life and you are made whole again.

    A problem can never be solved at the level of its creation and existence.


    #61     Jun 14, 2006
  2. fhl


    You said any prayer asked in love, with no ego involved, will be answered. Not my understanding of the bible. God is a faith God and if the prayer is not asked in faith, even if it meets the other conditions you state, has not been asked according to His rules. This is the unfortunate great divide between most denominations and those that are sometimes referred to as faith preachers.
    #62     Jun 14, 2006
  3. Love commands the universe. This is a universal law. The source of human suffering is separation from God, from the love that you are, and from an understanding of how love commands the universe. In a state of separation, however, the most grievous mistake is that of serving structure. In a state of separation, structure will always seek to master you, but ironically when wholeness is restored, structure becomes a humble and willing servant.

    Love commands the particles that make up structure, spirit, the heart, and all life. When you have separated from that power you resort to ploys for control. Therein lies the leverage structure has over you. As long as you seek to control life or think that you can, you will grovel for structure, and it will hold you in it's grip. The tragedy of such pursuit is that you will never control life. A child of God, however, does have the greater power to command it.

    The answer lies in knowing the correct priority and in understanding the greater dimensions of the heart to master any situation. Structure is no match for the heart except to make it strong. Nurture the heart. Strengthen the positive impulses of the heart through admiration and gratitude. Negative impulses can throw the mind into reverse logic, and this is how you begin to create the contradictions of your life. When you want a problem solved, the mind actually begins to create further aspects of the problem as the solution. The mind does not work toward solutions. It works toward perpetuating the problem itself.

    A man who believes in scarcity will program his mind to believe that scarcity is reality. In such a state of mind, he will never solve the riddle of abundance at all, but merely defend himself against the consequences of believing in scarcity! Scarcity is an aspect of structure, and so it is a self-perpetuating problem with no solutions.

    No matter how large or complex, all structures are deteriorating. The principles of thermodynamics demonstrate the self-consuming nature of structure. at the same time, the universe is infinitely expanding. There is just no end to its abundance. This seeming paradox is explainable only by the power of love.

    Outward, seen circumstances often mirror other, inner realities. An arm separated from the body may reflect a separation from the greater YOU that YOU ARE. When you can see yourself as the arm that is separated from the rest of its body, you have a better chance to gain wholeness. To insist that your arm is your entire body is a fiction invented by your mind/ego. You see? There is a part of you that has the ability to restore that arm. It is this reality that God is one with. Being is supreme. This wholeness is part of the "being" that is supreme. Be what your are and then see what happens.


    #63     Jun 14, 2006
  4. Many preachers preach fear. Faith is the absense of fear. You must be fearless, yes. Yet, love is supreme because it has no opposites. Love conquers fear. There are no structures that cannot be superseded and rearranged by love. God is a love God. God IS love. I multiplied the fishes by the power of love.


    #64     Jun 14, 2006
  5. fhl


    Just as fear is the opposite of faith, hate is the opposite of love.
    #65     Jun 14, 2006
  6. Why won't God give you folks some common sense?

    Why is that God? You're screwing with me right? Here I am in this slag pit of mediocrity and you won't give any of these hosers a lick of common sense. You're having a great old time up there laughing at this aren't you.....

    Hey I don't blame you. This is better than watching wrestling on TV.

    Keep up the good work you retards,

    #66     Jun 14, 2006
  7. We may be arguing over the definition of "knowledge."

    Your previous post was filled with what I would define as "knowledge" about God and God's plan. But, you have no such knowledge according to my definition.

    You have your feelings, faiths and beliefs. If you define "knowlege" of God as based upon how you feel or believe, then that answers your question about how I can make a judgment about something that you believe makes no sense at all. I require verification in order to declare knowledge, and your feelings or beliefs are unverifiable, so that is not "knowlege" as I would define it.
    #67     Jun 14, 2006
  8. Most folks when asked how they know somone one loves them say they know it in their heart....

    If you require "verification" that is of an intellectual nature to know that someone loves you, I would offer up that you don't really know love at all....

    That said, I think you are evading the point I made of the unsound logic to evaluate the faith in God of someone else as intelligent or not. Unless you know what happens after death, let alone what happens internally for another, I don't see any grounds to measure the intelligence or ignorance of the worship of God by another.

    I think you are using a flashlight without batteries or a bulb in your attempts to see or judge the intelligence of another's faith in this case.

    #68     Jun 14, 2006
  9. Common sense should answer your question. It should also suggest that if you have nothing of value to contribute, that maybe your time would be better served by not contributing.

    So perhaps you have as little common sense as the rest of us.
    #69     Jun 14, 2006
  10. LOL! Now it's my turn to laugh for a change. Being loved without any manifestation of that love is meaningless. You may sense the manifestation of God's love in the feelings that you have for God.

    I don't have any feelings for God, so I sense no manifestation of his love.

    For you to suggest that I don't "know" love is to suggest that knowledge about an unverifiable feeling is possible. Everyone feels chemical reactions to external stimuli, and some of those reactions we interpret as the feeling of love. But, to suggest that those feelings are the product of a supernatural force is merely your belief -- you cannot prove it, so by my definition of knowlege you cannot "know" it. Therefore, once again, according to my definition of knowledge, "you" don't know love. You may, however believe you know it, and you may actually feel what you interpret to be love.

    But, that's still not knowledge by my definition.
    #70     Jun 14, 2006