Why will anyone with low income jobs ever go back to work when they’ll get $600 a wk from Biden

Discussion in 'Economics' started by SammyJ, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. SammyJ


    Wow that’s incredible . The $ will be confetti or taxes go vertical destroying our standard of living
  2. SunTrader


    Oh yeah who wouldn't want to sit home and get paid minimum wage. What a "glorious" life. :banghead:
    VPhantom and stochastix like this.
  3. wrbtrader


    Couldn't they set it up to make them provide proof / verification of seeking employment to receive that $600 per week for unemployment ???

    VPhantom likes this.
  4. Nobert


    Is it perma ?
    The closest disruption for workforce in US is truck drivers, in ~ 10 years (3 million of those).
    Until then, what's the point of even a minor UBI version.


    One of the few moments, where you can see Elon taking off his public Mr.Nice Guy mask & speaking the way he would behind closed doors. Simply put, being himself.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
  5. Overnight


    Logistically impossible to do.
    ElCubano likes this.
  6. JSOP


    Is there a time limit for the $600/wk unemployment benefits? It will run out some time. They cannot possibly be paid $600/wk for the rest of their lives because they are unemployed. Eventually the payment will stop and they will have to look for jobs to go back to work.

    In the mean time they will play the stock market and be our fodder and at the same time makes sure the market never corrects. I see nothing wrong with that.
  7. clacy


    They do that already (the state unemployment offices).

    But it’s basically useless.

    The unemployed can apply online for 10 or so jobs each month (whatever number is required).

    The problem is they never show up for interviews. I know this because I’m in a field that is understaffed typically and we’re desperate for staff.

    I would estimate 60-70% of interviewers never show up based on my experience.

    That certainly doesn’t apply to all job markets, but the ones that are considered entry level or lower wage industries, it does.
    comagnum and Nobert like this.
  8. JSOP


    Time to put in robots. It's the future anyway. Robots do all the work, humans collect all the money via universal basic income. Eventually we will all be unemployed. they are just ahead of the times.
  9. tomtr27

    tomtr27 Guest

    How impossible!?! I'll show you what Obama was interested in. And there were negotiations for the German software called Hartz4 even before. Every 3 months you have to reveal your account details. Inclusive the cash. Then you have to make at least 3 applications a month. And the money you give is not enough for life just for infirmity. Detectives from the Hartz4 office come unannounced and come into the house.
    They look into every room. This is slavery to perfection !!! And then there is the psychiatric service. etc. and so on. Yes, the US Democrats have already looked at this harassing system and found it very good. Total surveillance.
    I'm done with Germany. America retti you if you can.
    We all live in America (Ramstein)
    Here the website!

  10. Welfare has proved the idea wouldn't work because someone has said a sucker was born every minute :); perhaps, 2 dollars a day to buy loaf of bread or bananas to survive on. we all need to be given an incentive to fight for or discipline to get out of our own 's circumstance.
    #10     Jan 15, 2021
    stochastix and Turveyd like this.