Why we will ultimately nationalize the banking system

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Thalamus09, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. Under our fractional reserve system the money supply is equal to debt. To increase money in the system more debt has to be issued. To allow for interest to be paid on the debt (back to the bankers), the debt issued every year has to be equal to the principle issued plus interest, otherwise the system will be short the interest portion to pay the debt. So the Fed has a target of say 3% money growth to cover the interest portion.

    The average bank uses 11 to 1 leverage (for discussion sake). For every 1 million in equity they can loan out 11 million in deposits. A 10% decline in their portfolio’s results in a 110% (11 X .10 = %110) decline in their equity. Most banks require money down for a loan or the borrower to have “skin” in the game so small decreases in collateral value aren’t ruinous to the bank; but when that margin is exceeded, like is currently the case with most housing loans and commercial real estate, then banks have to raise equity to compensate or reduce loans, or both.

    Most, if not all, banks are bankrupt in the U.S. and probably abroad as well. Through accounting rule changes and more liberal enforcement policies, the appearance of a healthy banking system is foisted upon society by the government and the media. This policy does buy time for things to heal, but if they don’t, and they aren’t it appears this time (see money growth statistics), then the risk of system collapse is imminent.

    If the above is true, which it is, then how does the Fed (which is a private entity by the way) and the US government counter the imminent collapse of the fractional reserve banking system that will occur in the next couple years? My opinion is that there are only two moves left if we are to maintain this banking system: 1) nationalize the banks and remove the fear of collapse from the people, and 2) remove hard currency from the money supply and force it into electronic “credits” which must be stored at a participating US bank to transact business on the “Fed” system.

    I hypothesize nationalization will happen first and removal of the hard currency second. Down the road (but soon) we’ll go from smart cards to embedded chips or bar codes embedded or affixed on our bodies. Eventually you won’t be able to buy or sell without being on this system and it will spread worldwide. The governments will treat like criminals those that setup bartering in goods or try to work outside the system.
  2. morganist

    morganist Guest

    because barrack obama is president.
  3. I've been hoping for this for a very long time because of tax cheats which by the way, the government doesn't give a rat's ass about.
  4. the1


    As long as the US can issue debt there is no fear of a banking system collapse. When the US can no longer issue debt look out. Until then....the party is on!
  5. China told us recently that they are finished buying our debt. Now, the Federal Reserve is buying it. What else is left? Offer 50% interest to the taxpayer? I wouldn't buy it anymore.
  6. The rest of the world is still buying US debt in record amounts. There is still significant risk aversion in the system, the Chinese can't risk not funding US deficits.
  7. Which just means that there is more skin in the game around the world than just China and the US. That doesn't mean it will go on forever.
  8. Hillary already guaranteed those bonds with equity, meaning WHEN we do not repay them, China can take our West coast. It's already done. In any case, no, China is not buying bonds in the future. As for the rest of the world, let them remain gullible. There will be little equity left when the last promise of full-faith-and-credit is squeezed out of the taxpayer by this administration.
  9. ddefina


    Admittedly the West coast is the nicer of the two, but isn't CA double mortgaged already?

  10. And the thread went to shit that quick.
    #10     Nov 28, 2009