Why Very Successful Guys Should Avoid An Exclusive Girlfriend At All Costs

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by DT-waw, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. i agree with the article. If you're a guy with options, don't settle down until you are about to reach the declining part of the desirability curve.

    women decline at age 30 or 1 year after they say "I do". whichever comes first. Men can last longer if they put effort into it, but eventually even an Alpha Male will decline. At that point it's time to pack it up and get married (perhaps to a 21 year old Russian chick).
    #41     Feb 2, 2012
  2. ...and... land in a psychiatric hospital or in a cancer ward within 1 year of the Russian has a green card.

    Only regrets will be in your eyes when seeing your peers enjoying their wife, grown children and their first grand child.

    Be careful what you ask for.
    #42     Feb 2, 2012
  3. BVM88


    Most of my peers are happily divorced and have been enjoying a sense of freedom that they only tasted for a brief period before marriage. It is those that are still married that appear to be heading for the psych ward.

    As for children, one does not need to be married to have them, and at the end of the day, it's still a luck of the draw whether they end up bringing you pleasure or pain. Some of my friends children I would not wish upon my worst enemy.
    #43     Feb 2, 2012
  4. newwurldmn


    #44     Feb 2, 2012
  5. d08


    The fact that men who manage themselves well are rising is value as they get older (peaking around late 40s), women lose value (peaking around 25-30), is true. It's the nature of man to roam around and multiply, and for women to keep them down and build a nest.
    #45     Feb 2, 2012
  6. BVM88


    With regrets, they are bound to arise, no matter what, and are just the ego's way of tormenting its host. I know of an old man who died in his late 70's with deep regrets about having married the wrong woman (something I discovered when sifting through his papers).

    That little voice in our head is the greatest deceiver and should be devalued. It's something that I could never have discovered when I was married, just too many dramas and distractions.
    #46     Feb 2, 2012
  7. Profound and true.
    #47     Feb 2, 2012
  8. its your " second head " that must be kept under control, or not.....:)

    #48     Feb 2, 2012
  9. DT-waw


    I want to break free
    I want to break free
    I want to break free from your lies
    You're so self satisfied I don't need you
    I've got to break free
    God knows God knows I want to break free


    This song says it best.
    What a damn freakin classic tune. Pure genius.

    Man is polygamous by his raw nature.
    Long term relationships are almost always forced by society/religion.

    Osho is spot on:

    First, you have a misunderstanding about man's nature.

    You think, as many people in the world think, that man is polygamous, and the woman is monogamous... that the woman wants to live with one man, to love one man, to devote and dedicate herself totally to one man, but man is different in nature -- he wants to love other women too, at least, once in a while.

    The reality is: both are polygamous. The woman has been conditioned by man for thousands of years into thinking that she is monogamous. And man is very cunning; he has exploited the woman in many ways. One of the ways is: he has been telling her that man is, by nature, polygamous. All the psychologists, all the sociologists are agreed upon the fact that man is polygamous; and none of them says the same thing about woman.

    My own understanding is that both are polygamous. If a woman does not behave in a polygamous way, it is nurture, not nature. She has been utterly conditioned so long that the conditioning has gone into her very blood, into her bones, into her very marrow. Why do I say so? -- because in the whole of existence, all the animals are polygamous.

    I say unto you that both are polygamous. The whole existence is polygamous. It has to be -- monogamy is boredom. However beautiful a woman may be, however beautiful a man may be, you become tired -- the same geography, the same topography. How long do you have to see the same face? So it happens that years pass, and the husband has not looked attentively at his wife for a single moment.
    #49     Feb 2, 2012
  10. RedDuke


    Even in the best family, kids can turn out horrible, but the odds of them going bad are a lot higher in broken homes. It is a bit of a luck and the rest is what you put in them.

    As for the article, whoever wrote it, probably does not date now. You do NOT need to be on the top of pyramid. I live in NY, and if you just decent looking with some social skills and have a somewhat decent paying job (100K+) , the pool of girls in huge.
    #50     Feb 2, 2012