Why The F$$$ no one asks AI who created Bitcoin?

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by DT-waw, Dec 26, 2022.

  1. DT-waw


    I mean zeriously....
    AI cannot be that stupid not to know.
  2. Cuddles


    why don't you lead the charge? Be the change you wish to see in the world
  3. DT-waw


    heres dumb generic reply: Bitcoin was created by a person or group of people using the pseudonym "Satoshi Nakamoto." The true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has never been revealed, and it is not clear whether this is a single person or a group of people. The idea for Bitcoin was first described in a whitepaper published in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, and the first Bitcoin software was released in 2009. Since then, Bitcoin has become a widely-used and highly-regarded decentralized digital currency, with a large and active user community.

    No different than wikipedia....
    Meh....... Ai stupid
  4. Tokenz


    Why would it even matter?
  5. MarkBrown


    i messed with ai off and on for 30 years - it's mush if you give it too much info.

    yet you wanna feed it lot's of info because you are trying to find something out.

    i have first hand experience with this so "i know" the feds have a program to find connections in crime, it can associate two random people just from the purchase mustard at a grocery store, lol.

    so what beats ai everytime is a set of well defined rules that are predetermined from experiences.

    doing manual searches of ip addresses and geo location would be of more help probably.
  6. Zwaen


    GPT3 is more about the way you can interact with it, not a good knowledge base perse. If you can't google it, gpt also can't
  7. Hal Finney died back in 2015. I'm afraid he's not returning from the dead any time soon. You'll be waiting for a very long time to talk to the creator...
  8. alistera


    AI is only as good as those providing it the information, I know people who ran it through its paces on high volume data for the markets, unless you keep updating it with new and relevant patterns, it's useless providing false positives and false negatives.

    Actually you will not know this, it was provided to me by some white label hedge/crypto fund incubator via one of their consultants, but a Quantum computer is only 1/60th as efficient as an experienced human mind with contextual information, a supercomputer is only 1/240,000th, AI sits somewhere in the middle, AI will provide you with '42' but you will have no idea what the question was.
    MarkBrown likes this.
  9. DT-waw


    Right, but as AI has loooots information - more than any single human - shouldnt it be able to DIGEST and process such information in a smart way which will lead to answers for questions we have trouble with?
  10. alistera


    In theory, but sometimes more information isn't better, forest from the trees syndrome, AI is no different.
    #10     Dec 28, 2022