Why should the past have the slightest predictive power for the future?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by easymon1, May 15, 2021.

  1. easymon1


    MrAgi1 likes this.
  2. themickey


    birdman, dennis86, trader99 and 2 others like this.
  3. themickey


    Which brings us to crypto.
    Crypto has short term probabilities only.
    Hodlers may get more than heat, depending on when they bought.
    MrAgi1 likes this.
  4. piezoe


  5. deaddog


    Because human nature hasn't changed.
  6. Bad_Badness


    The sun will rise, gravity will still be here and the markets will churn, people will want easy money and fools and their money are easily parted.

    The world has a lot predictability. It is those who can't see or work with it, claim it is not there. Remember "spontaneous generation"?
    Last edited: May 15, 2021
    VPhantom, CDoubleUU, Sprout and 2 others like this.
  7. Axon


    Factor based investing seems to have some predictive power. Size factor where smaller market cap stocks tend to outperform, also momentum, i.e. stocks that have appreciated most over the last 12 months tend to higher returns over their cohort that has risen the least, so on for other factors (cf. Fama French 5 factor model etc.). Of course, harnessing this outperformance isn't considered "alpha" anymore since academics have reduced it to a formula but it has been predictive.

    As to the why, who knows. It's a statistical phenomenon like IQ or social outcome across populations. Root cause indeterminate, obviously just as debatable, yet still it shows in the numbers.
    Last edited: May 15, 2021
    MrAgi1 and Lou Friedman like this.
  8. Peter8519


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  9. VicBee


    Humans are creatures of habits, even our thought process seeks repetition to minimize efforts. Probabilistic predictions are often quite accurate within proper parameters.
    oraclewizard77 and MrAgi1 like this.
  10. Because human emotions today might be just slightly (or more) similar to the way they were in the past?

    Seriously, who is letting these new guys in here with this dumb shit? Go short some GME, wait for a month.... THEN we can talk...
    #10     May 16, 2021
    oraclewizard77 and MrAgi1 like this.