Why should a girl have to be allowed to play on boys baseball team?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChkitOut, May 11, 2012.

  1. in the spirit of full disclosure, i was in a sewing class in middle school and it was coed. :cool: :mad:
    #21     May 11, 2012
  2. Lucrum


    You're obviously stuck on all things gay. I was alluding to giving you a chance of personally shoving my conservative principles. I guess it went right over your head.
    #22     May 11, 2012
  3. Hey man, I just read your post, and given your past posting history, the conclusion was a logical one.

    You need to work that out on your own, Luke. I cannot help there in any way.
    #23     May 11, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    My mistake, I should have dumbed it down for you. Given your history of poor reading comprehension.
    #24     May 11, 2012
  5. One more thing, man you are 52, let that playground stuff go:D

    You are having trouble losing flab for crying out loud:D
    #25     May 11, 2012
  6. Yeah, well, okay, whatever you say:D
    #26     May 11, 2012
  7. This action probably created new "stupid" bigots on both teams. I'd bet plenty of kids are pissed off at this girl.
    #27     May 11, 2012
  8. Ricter


    I'd bet the kids are way less politicized about it than their parents are.
    #28     May 11, 2012
  9. jem


    With respect to women... I will list the first few white male principles which come to mind. now this is vs other cultures on the planet.

    1. right to vote
    2. right to say no cliteridectomy or cliterictomy - as performed in the middle east and africa
    3. right to become educated
    4. right to become president
    5. right to earn a great wage... many women in law make more money than men.
    6. the right to be religious or not
    7 the right to free speech
    8. the right to have as many children as the wish
    9. the right to a divorce without being beaten or killed.
    10 more...

    and note... if the girl was the same age... I think any coach who deprived his team of winning the championship over a political issue, misunderstands their mission of teaching the difference between girls and boys. I wonder if they knew the other team had pitchers they could not hit.
    #29     May 11, 2012
  10. Brass


    Truth in a nutshell.
    #30     May 11, 2012