Why Ron Paul is Out: He will stop the New World Order

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RCG Trader, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Maverick74


    Trefoil, for once, I actually agree with you. Wow, it took RCG to bring us together. :)
    #41     Jan 17, 2012
  2. Oh gawd, that means the world really will end.
    Will my little stash of gold help, I wonder? (Yes, I do really have one. No lie.)
    #42     Jan 17, 2012
  3. pspr


    Incredible. But, I'm sure that was not only his first logical post but his last since he doesn't have the brain power to ever do that again.
    #43     Jan 17, 2012

  4. Thank you very much Tref. :D

    BTW, there is one presidential candidate that conspiracy nutters follow the nation over. Guess which one it is?
    #44     Jan 17, 2012
  5. What about al-Qaeda then? You defend them a lot. Maybe DAS stands for Douchebag Al-Qaeda Sympathizer.
    #45     Jan 18, 2012
  6. If that were true, then why belong to it?

    Not sure who the freepers are but any organization that cloaks itself in that much secrecy deserves a look. Let's face it, the Bilderberg Group is not exactly transparent.

    Indeed, fiat currencies tend not to last too long.

    Ok so you think its stupid but how is that a refutation?

    Interesting visual/theory but hardly a refutation.

    Ok this one made me laugh. If it were true, don't you think it would have been a lot easier to get at Connely somewhere else (i.e.: while he was not part of a presidential motorcade)?

    I wonder if you realize that about 80%of what you typed is opinion, backed by nothing.
    #46     Jan 18, 2012
  7. Show me one post where I have defended Al Qaeda. You say I do it a lot so this should take you no time at all.

    Also, since you like to find hidden meanings in user names, should I assume that you are Satan?
    #47     Jan 18, 2012
  8. One post? Your unwavering support of that "blowback" horseshit defends al-Qaeda because it in effect blames America for acts of the psychotic Islamofascist founder and late head of al-Qaeda.

    I, on the other hand, unwaveringly support the United States which some in Iran (that you also defend) call the "Great Satan" so maybe you should assume that.
    #48     Jan 18, 2012
  9. I see. So you could not find a single post where I "defended Al Qaeda". Thank you. If you have issues with the CIA then take it up with the CIA; they coined the term blowback, not me. Until someone smarter comes along with an explanation that supersedes what our top spy agency has come up with, I believe I'll continue to go with it. I hope that's ok with you Trader666.

    Let's see, Iran has been accused by Israel and the US of seeking to develop nuclear weapons. To date, there is no concrete evidence of this. Did I just defend Iran?
    #49     Jan 18, 2012
  10. Let's see the CIA report you're talking about, Douchebag Al-Qaeda Sympathizer. Blaming America for bin Laden's actions is absolutely defending al-Quada, not to mention it's absurd on its face which you're too stupid to see.

    Writing "in some ways we [the U.S.] are worse than Iran" is not defending Iran? Doubling down on it isn't defending Iran?

    How about this moronic post where you want to see "the American report for comparison?" As a U.S. citizen and having lived in the United States, don't you know enough about the Unites States to make a comparison without a report?

    #50     Jan 18, 2012