Why Oil Producing Countries Need Capitalism....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. you mean overthrowing democractically elected governments and installing brutal us-puppet regimes? As history has shown over and over again?

    And you wonder why they don't 'throw flowers at your feet and their children sing songs of praise'
  2. Excellent Commentary......................................


    You are absolutely correct...The issue being that assets will not reach their ultimate valuations unless capitalism is applied....and capitalism will not work in the long run unless the higher valuations are shared...also the assets should be subject to performance and efficiency....

    Employee and public participation in the ownership of assets promotes valuation ....and spreads the wealth....

    This would be a form of capitalist socialism...

    Clearly socialism by itself....or capitalism by itself...are not satisfactory...
  3. loik


  4. Paliz


    I fully agree