why not fund the iraq war with iraq oil

Discussion in 'Politics' started by liulala, May 27, 2008.

  1. Bush stated that our efforts were for their freedom and for our national security.

    Are you calling Bush a liar?

    By the way, Iraq is not free...they don't have freedom, they have a military occupation.

    #31     May 27, 2008
  2. liulala


    What have been done is done. I dont care whether bush is liar or not. I will vote republican no matter what. I only care about what need to be done next. Now what need to be done next is to bring the iraq oil home before the oil bubble burst.

    Freedom is always relative. Compared to the Sadam era, iraq is like a heaven now.

    #32     May 27, 2008
  3. Look, say a man rapes a woman and gets the clap in the process.

    He should levy her bank account to pay for his doctor bills?


    What a failed nation we are that we have to look to the countries we invade to finance our illegal wars...

    #33     May 27, 2008
  4. ====================
    Exactly. And Iraq oil paying for war is a Democratic idea;
    like it anyway:D
    #34     May 27, 2008
  5. liulala


    our war brings freedom to iraq.

    you only bring pain to a woman by raping her.

    These are not comparable.

    Never argue whether a war is legitimate or not. Again it is relative. To some, the war is a tragedy. For some, the war brings happiness.

    #35     May 27, 2008
  6. liulala


    i dont agree with you on "Iraq oil paying for war is a Democratic idea"

    If democrates think so, republican should go even further

    #36     May 27, 2008
  7. The rape analogy is perfect.

    Bush stood there grinning like a frat boy after raping some co-ed by using a date rape drug at a frat party claiming to his frat buddies:

    "Mission Accomplished."

    Iraq is not free, estimates are that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died in this war...more have suffered.

    Iraq is not free, they are occupied.

    Get over it, admit we are not the super power we claim to be...the rest of the world sees that, that's why they are selling dollars.

    Our ego is the problem...and this nonsense that Iraq "owes" us oil for invading them...

    Until we face up to own own fuckups and take full responsibility for them, we will not get any better.

    The dumb-ass republicans like AAA who helped to put Bush in office for voting for him twice take no responsibility for their poor judgment...

    #37     May 27, 2008
  8. They are indeed. At this very moment the NSA is tracking you down via ET's servers they've taken over remotely...what? Did you actually think you could GET AWAY WITH CRITICIZING BUSH?!!??? They're watching, buddy. They're always watching...
    #38     May 27, 2008
  9. When current Iraqi Oil production is about half of what it was under Saddam....it's hard to pay for pretty much jack squat.
    #39     May 27, 2008
  10. achilles28


    Iraq is an engineered quagmire.

    Infrastructure projects are purposefully sidelined to keep Iraq in chaos.

    Chaos justifies continued occupation.

    The goal is to launder US tax dollars and Iraqi oil wealth to US Corporations, for as long as possible. Like the other poster said.

    MSNBC reported the Coalition Authority 'lost' 9 Billion Dollars in US&Iraqi reconstruction funds.

    Iraq's Oil Minister says his Government has no control or KNOWLEDGE over oil revenue or exports.

    Thats roughly $200,000,000 USD A DAY (2.1 MBPD) going into someones coffers.

    Whose getting all that cash?

    US weapons and security contractors that overcharge for projects never done.

    Its been 4 years since the official reconstruction began. And the country still lacks minimal electricity or sanitation.

    Its a total joke. A sham.
    #40     May 27, 2008