why not fund the iraq war with iraq oil

Discussion in 'Politics' started by liulala, May 27, 2008.

  1. More politically correct to fund with American blood and tax payer money.
    #21     May 27, 2008
  2. Seems to me that at least the crime rate should be going down because everyone that's in the government or working for the government is a criminal and these people don't get arrested. Anyone know for sure.
    #22     May 27, 2008
  3. Back to the original question. Why does the U.S. taxpayer have to fund the cost of reconstruction in iraq and providing security for the Iraqi government? Iraq has the world's second largest oil reserves. They are not Haiti, they can afford to pay up. Is there something here I am missing? Is it because the administration is afraid of being accused of "stealing" Iraq's oil? I prefer the term "taking", but so what if we are? That's what happens when you are taken over, er... I mean liberated.

    I would love to se the presidential candidates asked this question.
    #23     May 27, 2008
  4. The US taxpayer doesn't own the oil in Iraq.

    Not unless our efforts were imperialistic in nature, i.e. to overthrow the government of a sovereign nation for the purposes of acquiring their natural resources.

    #24     May 27, 2008
  5. liulala


    it is true taxpayer not own oil in iraq. The fact is that we don't ask for extra. We just reasonable ask them for what we paid for the war and restruction. It is legitimate to do so.

    #25     May 27, 2008
  6. liulala


    considering the freedom we bring to iraq, how much should one pay for freedom?

    the war drags down the US ecomomy, it is their pay time now!

    #26     May 27, 2008
  7. liulala


    it will be sure thing for the republican to win the election if they can use iraq oil to pay the war.
    #27     May 27, 2008
  8. liulala


    how can it be right if the cost is US blood and money?

    #28     May 27, 2008
  9. Nonsense.

    An invaded and conquered country has no obligation to the invading party.

    #29     May 27, 2008
  10. liulala


    I am not sure how the invaded party can say no to the US missles.

    Are you childish enough to believe that the US invasion to IRAQ is really for their freedom.

    No freedom is obtained with no cost.

    #30     May 27, 2008