Why is this college admission scam a national story? Seriously.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. wildchild


    Here is the way the Wildchild breaks it down.

    Yes, I would.

    Yes, whats the problem.

    The answer is yes.

    I believe in empowering women and I give it a yes, yes, yes.
    Snarkhund likes this.
  2. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    She looks around 13 years old
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  3. Bugenhagen



    I wonder is he a Florida man.
    Tony Stark likes this.
  4. Snarkhund


    I still can't believe someone would pay $500k to get into USC.

    That is more money than I spent getting an engineering degree at USC, I guess I spent about $350k on tuition, books, fees, parking and lab gear.

    I didn't even take the SAT or ACT, just wrote a little essay as part of the admissions application. The whole thing makes no sense. USC is the easiest admission compared to UCLA, Cal Tech and any other good school in LA.

    What on Earth is going on in academia?

    Yeah, that is one beautiful girl but how dumb have you got to be to have to pay to get into USC?
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  5. RRY16


    Sanitation Engineering doesn't count so quit with the charade.
    Tony Stark likes this.
  6. wildchild


    Did you apply for a Sanitation Engineer position and they said you didn't make the cut so now you are bitter?
    Snarkhund likes this.
  7. wildchild


    Why would she bother going to college in the first place? Somehow I think she is going to make it through life just fine.
    Snarkhund likes this.
  8. RRY16


    Take your spankbank down to your basement you fool.
  9. What a joke. The problem is that they bribed agents representing a federally regulated institution. The truth came out (the agents were implicated), and then she perjured herself. AFAIK

    She is trying to buy her way out of problems (because she is a rich celebrity) and the daughters being too dumb for school problem came up.

    This is funny. I can see the federal prosecution lawyers have struck gold with this one.

    They are going to have great career success due to this case.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
    Snarkhund likes this.
  10. Snarkhund


    Good question.

    You can start a small business with $500k, even in LA.
    #10     Dec 7, 2019