Why Is The Obvious Not So Obvious?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by nysestocks, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. That is precisely what the obvious of the thread is, realizing the sadism.
    #3641     Nov 9, 2013
  2. Redneck


    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    A cautionary – please never allow your imagination run amuck

    Soon, if not already – it’ll spill over into your trading….then all sorts of misgivings appear – not the least of which will be the mkt is out to get you


    These last few posts.., are why I find the human condition so... so... so.... fascinating

    No place else, such potential for an utterly perverse universe to reside – than in our little ole noggin…

    Or not


    More evidence why this thread is so….



    You've found my out Sir

    Though admittedly Jack is my better persona

    #3642     Nov 9, 2013
  3. Thank you. I'll be honest I don't exactly know what NYSEStock's sideways chart thing was all about yet. That's the one part that has me a bit confused, but I'm not sure it's necessary. Anyone care to comment?
    #3643     Nov 9, 2013
  4. RN is my better what ever he said.....
    #3644     Nov 9, 2013
  5. I don't know anyone else who has posted in this thread and I'm certainly not them. I can see why you would think that though - I certainly did not long ago.

    Like RN said though, it is interesting that you think that (and I thought that). You very well may be experiencing something as "reality" that was completely created in your own head.
    #3645     Nov 9, 2013
  6. Something inside of you is telling you that's not true.
    #3646     Nov 9, 2013
  7. There is a long list of things you do not know.

    And there is that other list of what you do not know that you do not know about yourself.

    You are confused and you do not know what is necessary.

    Lets say you did do a 180 that you recognize some of.

    The OP has not proposed anything significant. The OP is not capable of accomplishing any significant goal (for himself or for anyone else.)

    In trading or investing, the accomplishment is measureable.

    Behavioral Finance points out EXACTLY how effectivenss and efficiency is improved through iterative refinement.

    Iterative refinement is EXPLICITLY dependent upon having a base line from which to build upon.

    The market has a system of operation. You either do or do not know that this is valid. Since you do not use a systemmic orientation, I doubt if you are making an exception with respect to the market's operation.

    You bet and use an incomplete rendition of OODA. So do the majority of market participants.

    So there are two functions that merge: the market theory and the human psychology.

    BF says that when a human has adverse feelings, he should stop and iteratively refine his approach.

    You have stated that now you can see things you could not see before. And since you can, you compare the before and after.

    Try comparing the reality of the full offer of the market to your "new and improved" performance. You are, as yet, not any more efective or efficient than before on a test of statistical significance. If you were, you would have been smart enough to say so in scientific and or statistical terms. You would have mentioned something tangible.

    Since you can see things in stuff and you are very skilled in what you think you are doing, take heed and begin the process of rational self-reflection.

    In markets, all turns are telegraphed in advance. HOW?

    Now look at WHY.

    What short coming of smart big money is always in the picture that prevents all trends from proceeding further?

    This is NOT a case of what is not obvious. It is not a case of the obvious either.

    The maturity of market behavior and participant behavior is sub standard.

    The financial indusry holds that making money is a process where people convince others and get paid a major stream of earnings in the form of commissions and fees. OPM is the basis of the financial industry.

    John Bogle was an exception. He made ten times the money owning Vangard stock over what Vanguard made for and paid to clients and what change occurred in the indexes. Ten times not including fees and commissiions.

    How will you ever get smart and how long will it take you to begin the trip of getting smart? You are nowhere.
    #3647     Nov 9, 2013
  8. Why else will Jack Hershey be interested in this thread?

    King of obfuscation.
    #3648     Nov 9, 2013

  9. So I don't do the CW or the CW language.

    When I began in 1957, no one was technical or scientific.

    Step up and put me on ignore. See if you have more discipline than my detractors.

    This thread is a chit chat thread but that hasn't been figured out yet. I did not participate here before a few days ago.

    I saw some humor proffered by a person lacking in most stuff just as you are and are doing.

    I may give you an eek if I run into you again.
    #3649     Nov 9, 2013
  10. Jack, when you say "the full market offer", are you saying that it is possible to take what the market has to give completely? To know what it will do at every moment?

    Also, it seems that you would say the "obvious" is that if something isn't working, you need to stop, realize why and refine it. Is that correct?
    #3650     Nov 9, 2013