Why Is The Obvious Not So Obvious?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by nysestocks, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. kut2k2



    As to RN's conceit that some of us just don't "get" this thread, it all boils down to whether you can correctly guess whatever idiocy and/or insanity the OP (who hasn't been seen here in 4.5 years) was dangling in the first post. As if he had a freaking clue about how to win in the market. Not much of a "get".
    #3601     Nov 4, 2013
  2. I'm actually fairly certain that RN and the OP (along with several other characters in this thread) are the same person, and that much of this thread consists of the OP talking to himself. Did you ever notice how daytrading seems to attract people with social problems and mental illness?
    #3602     Nov 4, 2013
  3. RedDuke


    Hm, I am a day trader. No social problems. I am a very outgoing person who easily gets a long with others, including total strangers .

    Happily married with one child and another one on the way.

    What you wrote is total BS.
    #3603     Nov 4, 2013
  4. 030985


    If I may say so, OverDriven and some others said maybe some things that may be true about trading per se, and I won't discuss that as I am just not on a good enough level to be able to say if trading is this or that, or must be done that way or this way, etc...
    But concerning the thread, the intents and the aims, I think you got it all wrong.

    Maybe it is because you did not read it properly, and made your mind a bit hastily.

    Also I think you did not notice that some of the persons whom you suspect to be the same individual, told that they received 'teaching' from a same mentor if I am not mistaking, or something like this. And that each of them created a thread as an 'homework'.
    ( whether it is true or not, whether they are the same person or not, is really of no importance )

    However if true, this is a very good howework to do. Why ? Because it can be a win-win :
    I believe that it is Jack Hershey that said in this thread that teaching makes him learn faster and also think further, something like this. I definitely think there is some truth in this. Even if it is not scholar 'teaching' as most people may think, and if it is only helping someone to get closer to the right path.
    By creating the thread the OP firstly 'studies'/'works' for himself, but also he can maybe help someone else to see things better or at least in a different light. What a reward ! Even if only one person, that worths a lot.

    So, yes, you can think that the OP created his thread for ego things, to feel like a guru who knows something that others don't know, or I don't know what. I don't think so. But well, why not, and I don't really care.
    What I know is that this thread made me think and I am glad for that.

    Though, I really do not get why you people don't just ignore if you are not pleased with this. You didn't pay anything and nothing has been promised.
    Not to offend but it sounds to me way more like an ego issue to say on an anonymous forum thread, moreover with several posts,"People, this thread of hundreds of pages long is full of bull***t and I come to tell you not to read it, it has no value, and OP seems socially ill".

    Well, all this is 'just my humble opionion' as we say, in case it might contribute to see things slightly differently. Although I could be all wrong too. :)


    P.S: sorry for grammar mistakes if any :D
    #3604     Nov 4, 2013
  5. Did I say that every day trader has problems? Should I remind you that I trade as well? You're a bit defensive. Look around these forums (or any trading forums) and tell me you don't see a very large number of people who are quite obviously trying to convince themselves that they are going to get rich, or have the grail, or are the next big thing, all while putting themselves and their families in bankruptcy. I'm just making a point that there are an awful lot of screwballs in this business, and the OP seems to be one of them from what I can see. Do you take everything you read on the internet personally?
    #3605     Nov 4, 2013
  6. Fair enough. I disagree with you, but you are entitled to your opinion on it of course.
    #3606     Nov 4, 2013
  7. :confused:

    If according to you day-traders are mentally sick, scalpers must be possessed by the devil then, I suppose?
    #3607     Nov 4, 2013
  8. Redneck


    Yes the person in the mirror can be his/ her worst enemy….

    But that same person can be his/ her best friend and strongest ally – it’s a choice... It is always a choice

    The rest of your post isn't worth the time/ effort

    #3608     Nov 4, 2013
  9. Redneck


    This post is total bullshit – and I challenge you, or anyone to prove other wise

    Btw any amount of money you’re willing to bet I have more than one alias on this site – I’m in

    One really obvious clue - for you less astute....

    Our writing styles are completely different - of course anyone half adept at pattern recognition figured that out long ago

    Like I said - I challenge you, or anyone - to prove I have, or have ever had - any other moniker than redneck on this site

    Cheerios :)

    #3609     Nov 4, 2013
  10. I think OverDriven has always known that one of my aliases is redneck. It may not be so obvious to others though.

    Aliases are NOT bilateral; they are heirarchical.

    Also, my aliases do not know about each other yet.
    #3610     Nov 5, 2013