Why Is The Obvious Not So Obvious?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by nysestocks, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. sometimes u will be right :)..and sometime u will be wrong:(

    the reality of trading..is..some days u will make good trades,,and some days bad..but if u always take each trade as a loser..then u will be ok..as u know it might lose..but..in the long run..providing u keep trading..and have enuf money:) ..u will come out winning

    look at my EUR options trades for instance..not toooooo good at the moment..should have listened to ML:D ..but..point is..the euro may still rally..and i have risked some more as well..as i am feeling a bit lucky..which might be totally wrong of course..and..i really don't give a shyte..it's only $3.2K..as..i know i will make more money back than i lose..if not on euro..then on other markets

    everyone is different..u can stick to just one..and stay at it..as of now..i am trying out different markets..why..because i want to:)

    TO has been in the red many times..recovered..and also not recovered..but either way..it should and must not affect u..u must know that u need to trade to put the odds in ur favour..and the more u do it..the better u get at it..but never forget that u can have many losers in a row..as winners..and u will find that when u have many losers..then u were either not doing ur homework correctly..u were getting greedy(overtrading)..or u were just plain damn stupid..so..always keep rule no.1 in mind..and u will be ok in the long run and come out on top..which is what u need to do

    it is also wise to take money out when u make it..just in case u get carried away and think u are going to make millions..sure all u need is thousands :D



    #3081     Jul 12, 2012
  2. RN made a very good point..and that is..pick ur stop first and the entry is then easy

    the reality of course..is that once u enter..anything can happen..so ur stop is ur way of keeping in the game to play the odds..plain and simple

    options are a very good way of fixing ur risk 100%..when long..but as option price decays over time..it is more risky buying near expiry options..even though they are a lot cheaper

    but..to buy next month+ options..u will pay out a lot more..so u need to be prepared to take on the risk..or just don't do it

    as with all trading......


    be very careful what u do with ur money..and never believe anything u read on websites..no matter who writes it..for..u alone are the only person who can make or break U..and also know..there is never gain without pain..and that can mean hours of looking at screens..giving u headaches and pains in ur eyes..so..make sure u pick a way that allows u get away from it all for most of the time..and use common sense

    anyway..99.99% of it is just a load of bollox..and the little bit that matters is..U:)

    #3082     Jul 12, 2012
  3. np PL..just be prepared to do some hard work..find out what way u like best based on what times u have available..start small..and then it is just a matter of time

    i still think the US stock market is the best way to trade..as u can keep ur risk small and make some good money..but that is just my opinion..u must of course discover what is best for u..and go for it

    #3083     Jul 12, 2012
  4. the only head and shoulders that TO uses..is for his hair:D

    trade was based on a straight line..and as RN would say..go figure:)

    so..that day..did not like the market moves early on..so decided to bail out as had to go out..which cost me a bit..but main point is small winner..not loser

    look at how the time decay kicked in..and as well..do not like the way the CL market option prices moved..just me of course


    #3084     Jul 12, 2012
  5. Redneck


    You know MAC,

    Every one of my losing trades was/ is/ will be wrong – after the fact

    Fact is a trader doesn't concern themselves with being right or wrong…

    Nor would a trader judge another trader in those terms


    I sincerely hope you’re not as judgmental with your losers Sir

    Be a hellofa a burden to needlessly face/ lug around everyday

    Simply something to ponder

    #3085     Jul 12, 2012
    damnpenguins likes this.
  6. ZS + GC :D

    yes ML..the euro dropped a bit more..and TO is a bit sad..but TO will say a prayer tonite to the big trader in the sky..to please come down and get Angela to light some fires in the black forest:D

    good side..any option that expires worthless is one less commission:D

    early days yet..lets see what happens..and who knows..maybe TO will win..or maybe he will lose..for that is what trading is all about:)

    btw..been working on new layout for daytrading ES and NQ..put many hours into it..and 2 new monitors for even longer booktrader :D..happy with results so far..but not finished yet

    TO is developing an new layout..called the FFT..damn..here we go again:D

    F _ _ _

    F _ _ _

    T R A D I N G

    #3086     Jul 12, 2012
  7. 30 day range for ES & NQ



    #3087     Jul 12, 2012
  8. or....

    point is..it is as easy to work at something..as sit on ur arse and post everything about nothing:D

    this took the time it took..bout 15 mins i suppose..and it is handy detail to see..and what is more..it can be all done automatically..with very little work..so..make use of ur PC..for that is what it is for..not for facebook and silly trading websites :D


    #3088     Jul 12, 2012
  9. last post..really:D

    i am looking at my screens now..and something has come back to me that was covered in the past..it was about about a painting..and what it actually meant..damn..will have to try and find it tmrw..as it might be just worth it

    also..if u find that u are not doing any extra work as a result of posting here..then u need to start..i have done many many hours of work in the last few weeks..and i do not like working for nothing..but..will not really start into risking bigger money until happy with ES/NQ setup and reaction times..for..getting ur setups right..and papertrading..are not one and the same..ur setups are like ur tradesman's tools..and..have u ever seen a carpenter driving in a nail with a spanner:D

    #3089     Jul 12, 2012
  10. of course..RN..u have hit the nail on the head..again:D

    talking about it..and doing it..are not one and same

    what u talk about..i think..is the biggest obstacle that every trader has to overcome..for..even though one knows that anything can happen..as soon as the trade is filled..everything changes..and now the trader must be right..otherwise the trade would not have been placed

    big mistake..in fact..the biggest mistake a trader will ever make..for..as u rightly say..trading is not about being right..or wrong..it is all about the act of trading..risk control..and position sizing correctly

    or..to cut all the bullshit:D..look for a signal..place the fukin trade..and it either wins or loses..and as Mr Ramsey says..after that..u can FUK OFF if u start messing about in the kitchen:D

    he is one fukin cunt that ramsey..but i like him..a straight talkin chappy..which is what is needed..not nicey picey shitheads who tell u what u want to hear..so..FUK THEM:D

    #3090     Jul 12, 2012