Why is RHT trading at a discount to IBM's purchase price

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by grashed, Oct 31, 2018.

  1. grashed


    Here is a newbie question. Why is RHT trading below the 190 price that IBM said it was going to pay? I guess why is the market settling on 170? Could I arbitrage this buy buying the stock at the discount and buying some protective puts (haven't looked at the options market on this yet) ?
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    Deals can break apart
    Cost of carry
  3. tommcginnis


    I want to know why MSFT/AAPL haven't plummeted on this deal.
    This is nuts to me -- a backdoor into desktop/phones is swung wayyyyy open, and nobody responds?
    Linux gets its due.
    Android gets a desktop and server-level friend.
    There's even great chip synergies here.
    And Oh, let's not forget a Google link to self-driving cars....

    I do NOT get it.

    {ahem: backdoor via all that server/phone action. "Hello!" :D }
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2018
    vanzandt likes this.
  4. newwurldmn


    It’s not about the home. It’s about corporate cloud users and services like Netflix that sell into the house but will buy cloud services for that.
  5. ubuntu is the better distro IMO

    IBM just keeps on buying outdated / corporate stuff