Why is it scarier to spend money when you have it, then when you dont?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by peilthetraveler, May 25, 2009.

  1. I hear so many people say that, but when its staring you straight in the face (death or poverty) it scares the shit out of everyone.

    For instance...if you ask most americans if they are scared of bin laden and his al-queda group, most will say "No, i'd kick his ass if i saw him" But if that same guy was suddenly surrounded by bin laden and his terrorist group, you know he'd be screaming "a-salam alakum" and "allah u-akbar" just so they wont kill him.
    #41     Jun 4, 2009
  2. Sushi


    When the Infrastructure collapses elcubano take over
    #42     Jun 4, 2009
  3. ElCubano


    I have been dirt poor and i have been in close proximity to your above example many times, except it wasn't towel heads it was jigs in liberty city where i used to cap me bags or in gang fights. Anyways that's not what i meant about being scared to die. I am not saying I am macho man or anything please don't misconstrue what i said for me being macho camacho. I am just saying I ain't scared of death nor being poor. I am neither dead nor poor at this moment...

    #43     Jun 4, 2009
  4. ElCubano


    no....when the infrastructure collapses I am going off the grid. as in your ass better know how to self support your own :D
    #44     Jun 4, 2009
  5. Don't forget, those on the grid will be following you and those already off the grid will not welcome you and your straphangers.

    Get off my porch!!!!

    #45     Jun 4, 2009
  6. The paradox of being frugal to become wealthy to ..... stay frugal to stay wealthy is an interesting one. People in general hoard $$$ to become wealthy to have a better life. However, once they acquire $$$$ the only way they know how to survive is ..... to survive. I guess it is like with people who work all their lives hoping to one day retire and start living and then once retired, either waste in front of TV, die in couple of years or go back to work not because they need the money but because they do not know how to exist without .... working. Mental slaves if you ask me, but that is a sad reality nowadays.

    I pity guys who got millions and live like refugees.
    #46     Jun 4, 2009
  7. It takes all kinds...

    I'm a former financial planner for fee, so I've seen much variety in behavior among the well-to-do.

    One characteristic is that many of them don't "waste" money. They spend, but not willy-nilly... and always consider "value".

    They understand that so long as you have money, you have options... and just because you have it, doesn't mean you have to spend it NOW.
    #47     Jun 4, 2009
  8. True. Good lesson for your niece. I can't disagree with you here. I just didn't like the tone of the post that the other guy made -- he had some very valid points once I moved beyond the generalizations.

    I should only hope that whenever I do have kids that I can raise them well enough that they aspire to achieve an ivy league education. I hope that I don't become too far removed from the less well-off demographic that my kids are totally unable to relate to people from different economic circumstances.
    #48     Jun 4, 2009
  9. Good post. That is quite a paradox. It's interesting when you look at traders from a similar point of view. We trade to make money and at the same time we're afraid to take a vacation sometimes because we might miss a big trade -- but being able to miss a big trade is precisely the reason why we trade.
    #49     Jun 4, 2009
  10. Johno


    Intelligent behavior at any level of the financial spectrum.


    #50     Jun 4, 2009