Why is Facebook being hyped and marketed so heavily?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by MarketMasher, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. Well, yeah I think it is silly everyone goes nuts for Zuckerberg. The guy got lucky, VERY lucky. He basically hit the lottery.

    However, the product itself has the potential to transform human interaction. I think electronic social networking becomes integrated into every human life one day.

    Meet someone on the street, tap phones, and you're connected.

    Right now, FB is just another website. It will be interesting to see how it develops....

    It will allow advertisements to become a part of your life.

    It is too early to hype Zuckerberg, but if they play their cards correctly, things will get interesting...
    #11     Feb 18, 2011
  2. yeah, that's really exciting: expose your life to total strangers and be spammed for the privilege.
    #12     Feb 18, 2011
  3. "Well, yeah I think it is silly everyone goes nuts for Zuckerberg. The guy got lucky, VERY lucky. He basically hit the lottery."

    Yep, after he ripped off his partners who hired him to go buy the tickets.

    Hey, its the new american way.
    #13     Feb 18, 2011
  4. Thing is, he is selling the info he collects on users. How long before users demand compensation for what he is taking from them?

    It's like the ultimate tracking cookie. And then he hands it over to the highest bidder.
    #14     Feb 19, 2011
  5. Facebook, in many respects, is a mess of a site. The interface sucks, there are all these glitches and shady security issues, unauthorized data selling, etc., and most people are completely unaware they're being taken advantage of... just not very professional conduct in my opinion. I can't wait to see Facebook fade into the likes of Friendster and Myspace because, after all, it's easy come easy go with a lot of internet groups these days.

    But yes, all I'm hearing about these days is Facebook :confused:
    When is this bubble going to burst?
    #15     Feb 22, 2011