Why is everything about being Black ?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NY_HOOD, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. NY_HOOD


    if i see one more black politician play the race card im going to vomit. If you look at Kamala Harris, she was asking questions about the border and an Border patrol agent was answering the questions rather eloquently. But rather than ask about illegals, Kamala Harris is asking the agent if white supremests are the biggest threat. Are you kidding me !!!
    Every time someone gets questioned by congress, a black politician seems to find a way to bring up the subject of race. When you do that, it causes devisiveness.
    The governor race in both florida and georgia were racist .. give me a break. Maybe black governors werent elected because they only promote racial division.
    Look at Kamala harris, corey booker, maxine waters, and the list goes on. First off, what do any of them even do? Nothing !!!
  2. exGOPer


    At least you picked your name appropriately, Mr Hood.
  3. It's all about "playing upon the guilt" all of us whites are "supposed" to have.


    So..way back when, the world economy and culture cultivated blacks as slaves.... wasn't just the US, it was world wide. And American wasn't even the worst player. In retrospect, not a good thing. Buy why should any of us feel guilt because of long ago culture/society... and whatever our ggggg grandfathers did from 200 years back?
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    When you don't have content or cannot discuss the issue in an informed manner with facts and logic, you have no choice but to resort to dog whistles and labeling. Its the liberal way. Not all liberals, mind you, but most.

    The good thing is that, the more people awaken, the more ineffective this becomes.
  5. It's about intimidating whites. Even an accusation of racism can wreck your career. As the dems proceed with their plan to replace white voters, they need to ratchet up the intimidation level to silence any dissent. We see that daily as social media monopolists and payments companies work hand in glove to deplatform right wing and conservative voices.

    There is also an organized effort to shame or intimidate whites into ignoring black crime. There have been several white women fired for calling the police in circumstances they found threatening. The message is white are to keep their eyes down and mouths shut.
  6. UsualName


    People are so surprised when minorities get political power and they bring up racial issues. Like, golly gee, race is a major issue in America. I had no idea because I fell off the turnip truck when I was born yesterday.
  7. TJustice


    Pelosi was bringing up misogyny on the radio today. She brought it up because some of the house members who don't want her to be speaker are men.

    Hatred of men or whites is now ingrained into almost every democrat response.

    Hating on the majority is a sickness and its now an epidemic because it does get them elected.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
    traderob and Poindexter like this.
  8. %% Wonder why the many in media never tell the truth ......as in top 5 African nations where slavery is still [today]common?? Maybe they care more about promoting modern slavery. ACA Is Slavery''' Dr Ben Carson called ''ACA =Slavery''

    Also; its a common media pattern to try to promote ''a travel agent for a free guilt trip'':D:D
    Ayn Rand likes this.
  9. wildchild


    Pointing out differences and splitting everyone up into their own seperate groups is how you bring people together. If you dont agree with that, you are racist.
  10. wildchild


    All liberals.
    #10     Nov 16, 2018