Why is conservative radio so kind to Mitt Romney?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DemZad, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. See, this is why I come down here. To learn shit like this. :mad:
    #11     Jan 14, 2012
  2. It smacks of desperation on the part of the attackers to levy these kinds of anti corporate charges, however, witness how quickly they fall back in line.
    #12     Jan 14, 2012
  3. Nah, battle tactic.

    Do the hit piece, and then say you are sorry. Notice that King of Bain is still running, and it is getting mic checked by nearly everyone.
    #13     Jan 14, 2012
  4. Sorry, but I'm not following you. I'm not making value judgments about the candidates, just trying to analyze in shorthand fashion why they didn't get traction. You can see from my previous posts that I liked Bachmann and have a ton of respect for Ron Paul. I think Romney is a very capable guy who has lived a pretty exemplary life. I'm not sure he is the sort of transformational figure we need right now, but he is a vast improvement over obama.

    One thing we do desperately need is leadership. Romney is a leader with a long track record. I understand that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and grew up with advantages that Obama couldn't have imagined, but life isn't fair. Other than a brief stint as Editor in Chief of the Harvard Law Review, which seems diminished by the obvious affirmative action taint and the fact he never produced anythingremotely scholarly as expected, Obama had never held any leadership position prior to his election. it shows. He is a weak leader who cannot muster support beyond a coterie of true believers and personality cultists.
    #14     Jan 14, 2012