Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by THE-BEAKER, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. and furthermore, this is the whole paradox of corporations. The left wants everyting out of private hands and publicly owned. Yet, when a comapany goes public, they are completely relieved of any kind of moral obligation. In fact, they are instructed, "Now you belong to the people (the shareholders) and your duty is to them.

    The only measure of success becomes money.

    You see the problem?

    Once a company goes public, it has no morals. It's only hope is to appeal to the government and pray "Father stop me, for we know not what we do."

    Eventually the government controls everything by regulation, because by default, the citizens (the shareholders) no longer have any morals. They have now become by nature greedy and must be controlled.

    just my 2 cents, but since a few people who I respect have different opinions I would like to hear where I am wrong.
    #51     Mar 17, 2012
  2. Flanco


    Love It!
    #52     Mar 17, 2012
  3. This is an interesting question, because it can be argued the other way around.

    When Hank Paulson went to Congress for the TARP money bailout, was that government controlling the banking corporations, or a Goldman Sachs executive controlling the government?

    Was bailing them out Capitalism? If so, then bailing out GM was Capitalism too....

    The largest banks are still Too Big To Fail. That means they are backed by the government if they screw up again (Socialist). Should they have that government guarantee and still be allowed to function freely as for-profit only like a REAL capitalist company?

    Also William Cohen recently said in an interview that the large banks distribute 50-65 cent on every dollar made as compensation. That is not shareholder-friendly. If the large banks get the cheapest financing (from the Fed as ZIRP), isn't that socialist distribution of wealth at the expense of the Main St economy?
    #53     Mar 17, 2012
  4. " Stupid customers (the fools in the market) are a wonderful asset, but at some level of ignorance they became a liability - they go broke...."

    " The men on the trading floor may not have been to school, but they have PhDs in a Man’s Ignorance...."

    Michael Lewis ( ex Salomon )

    The only thing that history teaches us, is that history doesn’t teach us anything.

    As someone once said: “ there’s a sucker born every minute ”.

    Yes indeed.


    #54     Mar 17, 2012
  5. Shopster, what do you have to say about your youtube channel that I posted?
    #55     Mar 17, 2012
  6. welll, it's not just Ayn Rand. Jesus also said, "The poor you will always have with you."

    Trying to eliminate poverty is a noble task, on the same par with world peace.

    But the natural order of things is war and poverty. You see it any time you watch a Natural Geographic documentary.

    It's the brief times that poverty isn't so bad and the world is at relative peace that gives us hope.

    But the natural order is poverty and war.

    Even though they say you can't, I do think you can fight the Fed, but you can't fight God. If you get too good He'll find you out and write a bad article in the New York Times about you.
    #56     Mar 20, 2012