Why Germany Has It So Good...

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Debaser82, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. My wife wants to move back to the EU, she is Czech. I told her with all of the economic problems and austerity the days of 4-6 of holiday may be coming to an end.

    What are thoughts?

    #31     Oct 18, 2010
  2. I was in germany 2 months ago, didn't like it one bit, wont live there in a hundred years

    it's nice that they care about the quality of the products they produce, but that doesn't mean it's in ones best interest to live and work there
    #32     Oct 18, 2010
  3. moarla


    where you are living ?
    #33     Oct 18, 2010
  4. All that proper schooling and upbringing and you sound like a piece of trash. Money and schooling certainly dont guarantee class do they?
    #34     Oct 18, 2010
  5. #35     Oct 18, 2010
  6. piezoe


    I would agree that one needs to compare total tax burden (direct plus indirect). This is similar in Germany and the US.

    There are real differences in the way the Federal budget is spent in the two countries however. For example, Germany spends approximately $280 per person per year on military and related expenditures, whereas the US spends about $4000 per person per year.

    German medical care is higher than in many other countries but is still far below medical costs in the US.

    Germany graduates more engineers than the US.

    German students are still tracked according to abilities as was done in the US up until the "Great Society" begun in the 1960's during the L. Johnson administration.

    Germany has a far more intact social welfare system than does the US.

    Germany has a well developed, and advanced, public transportation system. The US does not.

    Only about 13% of Germans consider religion to be important in their lives versus over 50% of US citizens.

    I'm not intending to pass judgment here. Just pointing out some significant differences between the two countries.

    And here are two judgment calls:
    1. The German national soccer team is better than the US national soccer team.
    2. The general quality of German sausage is better than the general quality of US sausage.
    3. The US market is better than the German market for high fructose corn syrup manufacturers.
    #36     Oct 18, 2010
  7. What about the beer?



    #37     Oct 18, 2010
  8. pspr


    Anyone who plays a game where you have to hit a ball with your head can't be too bright! :D
    #38     Oct 18, 2010
  9. piezoe


    #39     Oct 18, 2010
  10. Cooperation, some collective colaboracion is healthy.

    I agree, we are intradependent in business. Cooperation is a good thing. Collective ideas are good. But Collective Free loading, as in the Immigration situation in Germany is not good.

    I work for my self, I can take 6 months vacation if I want. However, I pay the price. 6 week vacation on the "Companies" dime only makes sense if the workers are productive and profits are rocking.

    ONLY FREE LOADERS expect 6 weeks paid vacation without accountablity.

    Why don't you look at FRANCE, GREECE....they are the FREE LOADERS who get 6 week paid vacation and all kinds of social services...and those countries are in riots as I SPEAK, due to cut backs.

    So, if you think GERMANY is strong because of 6 weeks paid vacation, I bet you are the same person/people that voted for OBAMA...because you are fools.

    Germany is Strong because of her Manufacturing Base and her "Banking" system. However, she took on a huge risk buying Junk Bonds for Greece. And she is having issues of her own...

    Germany is one of the only Strong Members of the ECU. However, she is being punished by the "FREE LOADERS" with in the ECU who have paid 6 week vacations, free health care, yada yada yada.

    If the ECU does not get act her together, it will bring down GERMANY or Germany will default back to her own Nation State with her own currency. The move has already started with the Push for stronger Immigration rules and no Tollernce for Illegal Immigration. "MULTICULTRALISM" has failed in Germany.
    #40     Oct 18, 2010