Why Fat is the Preferred Fuel for Human Metabolism

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by DT-waw, May 20, 2011.

  1. The coconut oil deal is the lastest craze and will die out soon.
    #11     May 21, 2011
  2. newtoet


    This is a great movie - I saw it last weekend. Go to the movie, and study the work done by Esselstyn, McDougall, and Jeff Novick and you will find it very eye opening (in addition to their books, you can find a lot of free videos on YouTube). I have been plant-based for over six weeks now, have lost almost 20lbs, and have never felt better.
    #12     May 21, 2011
  3. achilles28


    Wouldn't that be the result of reduced caloric intake? Veggies tend to be caloric light, and water-dense, prompting the feeling of satiation, but more by volume. Not much fat in veggies too..
    #13     May 21, 2011
  4. DT-waw


    veggies, fruits are still important
    but fats will give you much more good calories.

    the best: coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseed, avocados
    #14     May 21, 2011
  5. NoDoji


    I assumed the whole foods plant-based diet of Campbell, Esselstyn, McDougall, et.al., just over six years ago. Although I was an active athlete and thought my weight was fine, I lost an additional 12 lbs within 6 weeks and and stabilized at that level ever since, no matter how much I eat. My cholesterol dropped from around 200 to an ongoing average of 130. My B.P. averages 90/60. I also have never felt better in my life.

    Seven of my friends read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell years ago when I discovered and recommended it, and all went whole foods plant-based. They experienced the same amazing results: allergies disappeared, signs of heart disease (high cholesterol and high B.P.) reversed to normal, arthritis and back pain were gone, stomach problems vanished, and a couple with type II diabetes were cured within a few weeks. That's right, cured. No sign of disease and no need for medication ever since.

    The best fuel for human metabolism and optimal health and energy is complex carbohydrates. A diet rich in whole grains, legumes, fruits and veggies provides all the protein, calcium, and other nutrients needed for even a very active and athletic person. My nutrient levels were tested after five years of eating this way and they were all perfect, including B12, calcium and protein levels.

    The question I constantly get is "Where do you get your protein?" The answer: ""Same place those big powerful animals like the horse, bull, and elephant get it. Plants."

    The populations of the world whose diets consist mainly of complex carbohydrates, with little or no animal-based foods and refined carbs, have extremely low rates of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, automimmune disorders, diabetes, and osteoporosis. And to prove that it's not their genetics contributing to these low rates of lifestyle-caused chronic diseases, when people from such populations begin easting a Western-style diet of refined carbs, fried foods, and animal-based foods, they reach rates of chronic disease similar to those who've eaten that way all along.

    These physicians do not sell or promote supplements; they promote a healthy lifestyle. They offer free resources on the web, and inexpensive books and DVDs most of which are available at your local library. There recommendations are based on extensive long-term scientific evidence that came from non-industry funded research.

    All I eat is plant foods, unrefined. No added oils, no white flour or refined sugars, no processed soy meat analogs (which almost all have added oils). And certainly no fish, eggs or dairy products. Who ever decided that those items were "vegetarian" in the first place???

    Plants. They do a body good :cool:
    #15     May 21, 2011
  6. NoDoji


    Flaxseeds and avocadoes are whole healthful foods.

    Coconut oil and olive oil are refined unhealthy foods full of saturated fat and large amounts of useless calories.

    Whole plant foods contain all the healthy fats you need. Where does corn oil come from? Corn! Where does soybean oil come from? Beans! Where does olive oil come from? Olives! Where does coconut oil come from? Coconuts!

    Eat the whole foods, not the pure calorie bombs squeezed out of them which are devoid of nutrients.
    #16     May 21, 2011
  7. NoDoji


    Your first statement is probably correct in that such a diet would finish us off faster.

    We are anatomically designed for a plant based diet. We're technically omnivores in that we're capable of eating anything (including glass and motorcycles).

    But for optimal health - plants are our natural diet.

    #17     May 21, 2011
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    #18     May 21, 2011
  9. NoDoji


    Here is truth backed by over 20 years of research that was not funded by for-profit food industry or medical industry interests:


    (On a side note, for those who whine about how day trading is a loser's game and technical analysis is crap, there was a fine quote in Dr. Esselstyn's paper: “Inappropriate application of the method is no excuse for its abandonment.”)

    And for Maxpi, getting leaner and meaner, enjoy yourself while you can:


    Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. John McDougall, and Dr. Dean Ornish have conducted valid clinical studies or provide references to hundreds of clinical studies over decades of research (none of which are funded by food, nutritional supplement, or pharmaceutical industries or their promoters) demonstrating the ability of a whole foods plant-based diet to prevent and reverse debilitating and deadly common chronic diseases.

    I challenge anyone to provide just ten valid clinical studies not funded by the above-mentioned industry groups that demonstrate a diet including meat, dairy, refined fats (oils), or even the "balanced" Heart Association diet prevents or reverses heart disease or diabetes.

    Bring it on!
    #19     May 21, 2011
  10. I have eaten this way too, since you enlightened the now defunct ET real time chat by turning us onto The China Study. Wasn't overweight, or sick, but I lost weight, improved clarity, energy and overall health. Rarely even catch so much as a cold in the last 3 years despite having a young child and smoking a pack a day. Thanks NoDoji!
    #20     May 21, 2011