Why evolution fails when compared to Inteligent Design

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gastropod, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. 1) Which is why evolution is a harmless theory.
    2) I suspect more atheist's believe this than Christians, but hey knock yourself out with making strawmen.
    #31     Sep 5, 2012
  2. Ok...firstly, I think you need to view this through a different lense. It would appear your argument is that the atomic structure of DNA is so vastly complex, that it must have been "mapped out ahead of time". But, going back to a previous comment, DNA didn't just magically appear out of the "primordial soup". It was the result of the big bang, the planets/stars forming from multiple elements, and those elements having physical and chemical interactions with one another to eventually form organic precursors/molecules then life (very high level and simplified, I know). Secondly, the discussion about how closely related we are to chimps, if anything, is evidence supporting evolution. Think about it...minor mutations within the genome (.1-.5%) that led to speciation. Lastly, if you read up on information entropy, it could also be argued that it actually supports the theories of abiogenesis and evolution as well (i.e. low fidelity enzymes making transcriptional errors leading to mutations in the genome - it correlates well with Chargaff's Rule and the purine/pyrimidine ratios).
    #32     Sep 5, 2012
  3. If 50 years from now a scientist creates DNA in a laboratory, does God cease to exist?

    Does that scientist become God? Must he name his son Jesus?
    #33     Sep 5, 2012