Why don't the Clinton's just go away?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. wildchild


    Now Chelsea is gearing up for a run in political office? The biggest mandate the 2016 election gave us was that America is sick and tired of the Clintons.

    Haven't we all seen enough of this? GO AWAY!

  2. gwb-trading


    She kind of looks like Pelosi in that photo. The horror.

    Clubber Lang likes this.
  3. Because more people voted for her?
  4. wildchild


    Frederick Foreskin, 52% of the population voted against her.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  5. gwb-trading


    If the Democratic Party really thinks that the next generation of the Clinton's are their future then they truly are in a state of denial.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  6. Cuddles


  7. Clinton 48.20%
    So 51.80% of the country voted against the corrupt scoundrel
  8. achilles28


    Clintons tapped as globalist favourite to further the big corp agenda.

    Carpetbaggers have no shame. Chelsea just the next generation of carpet baggers
  9. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    And even more voted people against Manchurian Agent Orange
  10. wildchild


    Its pretty clear that roughly 24% of the electorate voted for Hillary Clinton, another 24% hated Hillary Clinton but they voted for her genitalia, the other 52% were absolutely repulsed by Hillary Clinton and voted against her in her entirety.

    Just think Chelsea can have a career just like mom's. She can run on her last name and her genitalia because she aint got much more to offer.
    #10     Mar 20, 2017