Why don't I just say out loud what we are all thinking.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Waiting, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Hey that makes two of you. I remember the day I was watching the drama unfold. When I saw the towers collapse I thought, "now that's an odd way to collapse..." Whereas everybody was saying, "OMG, the towers collapsed..."

    To give you an example of what we are talking about look at the following video.


    I have watched many examples and learned about the statics of blowing up a building. To make a building collapse the dynamite experts have to affix explosives at key locations throughout an ENTIRE building. Essentially what they do is take out the backbone of the building and let gravity do the rest.

    Here is what happens when blowing up a building goes wrong:




    So the question you have to ask is how come a random projectile has the ability to take down a building in a "safe" and directed manner... If you look at the details taking down a large structure such as the twin towers would require an immense amount of planning if it were a regular building...
    #41     Feb 20, 2010
  2. I really like your example, it is great and really shows what can go wrong. One the tricks we used to in engineering school was stand on our beer cans and then squash them without getting our fingers caught in between. Yes yes dumb, but hey when you are drunk most simple things seem interesting...
    #42     Feb 20, 2010
  3. christianhgross, you are a idiot, even if you are getting paid to say such bullshits on internet, or you are forgetting to take your medicine, doesn't change fundamental and basic principle of physics.

    Anyway, the fact of matter is that American doesn't care about truth, even many more soldier's life were wasted in Vietnam war than the current wars, and those criminals started it with false information, and told many lies to rally American to support such wars, have had not ever facing the consequence with their actions. American hadn't been for truth and freedom to begin with. It is all about money. Did you make money? If you do, good for you. End of all argument.
    #43     Feb 20, 2010
  4. fhl


    If what "everybody is thinking" is that it is wars that are bankrupting this country and not transfer payments and bailouts, then "everybody" is nuts and "everybody" doesn't have a clue what the gov't was empowered by the constitution to do and what it was not empowered to do.
    #44     Feb 20, 2010
  5. Hello


    I agree that the bailouts and transfer payments are the greatest examples of waste, but we could easily cut 4-500 billion out of our military and still be the strongest military in the world, it is time to stop policing the rest of the world, and worry about our own people, otherwise it is just a matter of time until we are bankrupt, it is time for drastic measures, and the right is wrong on this, we need to drastically cut military spending.
    #45     Feb 21, 2010
  6. Correctamundo!

    If I were Prez, I'd pull out of all wars, close down all military bases overseas, stop all foreign aid.... let the world deal with their own messes of all kinds. Bring out troops home to police OUR borders as necessary. Would save about $1 Trillion per year (maybe up to $2T per year).

    We can afford to do no other. We need to elect politicians who think along these lines... otherwise, we might as well bend over and kiss our collective asses good bye. :mad: :mad:
    #46     Feb 21, 2010
  7. Mercor


    So you wish to cede control to regional powers ,good or bad.
    Let the Somali pirates have their way. Let the Iranians control and tax tankers passing through the Straights of Homez.
    Who will enforce International and Maritime treaties, the UN?

    For good or bad only the US has the will and power to enforce International law. One advantage is we can enforce things in our favor.
    #47     Feb 21, 2010
  8. Hello


    I do not understand why the right is trapped by the notion that we need to spend tons on military, the military budget will only help to contribute to our doom, i dont understand why more people are not rational enough to realise this is a major problem....... btw have you read the book "Empire of Debt"? interesting read.... Basically guys like you and me are caught in a scenario where there is no win.
    #48     Feb 21, 2010
  9. Hello


    We can easily spend 1/10th the budget leavnig our soldiers at home protecting our own borders, let someone else police the world. With al of the anti missile technology we have/could easily develop it will be much easier/cheaper to sit at home and allow everyone else to destory themselves as opposed to spending trillions policing the world. If we had started this way we would not have even provoked these fights which have lead to the rest of the world hating us. Why do you think we were able to become a superpower prior to world war 1 and 2? We never had anything to do with any of it and never got involved until we were forced to, now we have pissed off every single extremist in the world and they are all looknig to take a round out of us, all based on our "peace" keeping missions. We will never win arguments trying to impose peace on people at the barrel of a gun, all we do is provoke people by doing this. The bottom line is if we spend money on DEFENSE as opposed to OFFENSE, we are looking at 10 cents on the dollar, allow the rest of the world to prevent wars and lets start looking out for americans.

    #49     Feb 21, 2010
  10. =================
    Mr waiting;
    Well before 9-1-11, muslims declared war on US, Israel;
    9-1-11 proved they meant it. Too bad for them.

    Thank God America doesnt have many commies, or ''national socialist party'' as Germany did.Timely Trends include limited gov trends in ;
    no state income tax in TN,
    Nevada/silver state
    #50     Feb 22, 2010