Why does religion still exist ?

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by bigarrow, May 11, 2010.

  1. PatternRec

    PatternRec Guest

    Presupposing the answer using fantastic things does not make it the answer.

    We're also hardwired to take a shit. Hardwired to want to fuck. Hardwired to be greedy selfish bastards. Etcetera, etcetera.

    You will forgive my vulgarity. I'm using to make a point. If you want to give God the credit for a few things, you have to give him credit for the rest. He is after all the first cause. That would make you appear more consistent and make God all powerful as in most powerful. Otherwise, he looks like a fool without a real plan towards a greater good and certainly not omniscient.

    Think about it.
    #11     May 11, 2010
  2. there is an answer for you. get educated. learn geology. go experience a fossil dig. see if you can match up the evidence geology presents with what your bible teaches.
    have you ever thought about why almost all scientists who spend their lives working in their fields of expertise do not belive the bible stories but the uneducated masses sitting in the church pews are just sure there was once a talking snake?
    #12     May 11, 2010
  3. Wallet


    It must be tough being so enlightened and so much the minority. Btw, who said the Bible was in conflict w/geology. I find it interesting that the OP's post was a question about religion, yet you attack Christianity. That speaks volumes.....

    FYI, Medical studies have proven that those with a spiritual life, given to meditation and prayer lead longer healthier lives.

    The Simple answer to the OP question, why does religion still exist.... because it's real.
    #13     May 11, 2010
  4. almost every geologist in the world. you might try some education with piel. maybe you could carpool. until you get to that point you could try a little reading:

    History of the Collapse of "Flood Geology" and a Young Earth
    #14     May 11, 2010
  5. PatternRec

    PatternRec Guest

    As we're all in it together, it's tough for everyone. The wise, the fools, the weak, the strong. And of course, the faithful and the faithless.

    No one said it was, per se. But there is disagreement with the age of the Earth as many theists do not believe it is billions of years old. Nor do they understand how that is determined. Some think radio-carbon dating is used to date rocks, meteor fragments, and asteroids. Others postulate the fall had some major effect on everything which makes them appear older than they are. A few other theories to try to explain the difference between what they have interpreted the bible as saying and the findings of science.

    I wouldn't say proven. I would say have made the interesting correlation. I would also add that these correlations have been made around the world and suggest the same thing concerning the faithful of various religions and philosophies.

    It's not unlike the miraculous effect sugar pills have when someone is told in double blind tests that the pill (sugar) will have a positive effect on the ailment. I'm referring to the placebo effect. Religion, positive thinking and optimism appear to have the same effect as a sugar pill. With almost the same consistency.

    The mind and the body and the mind's effect on the body are truly amazing.
    #15     May 11, 2010
  6. Wallet


    Sorry but not everyone interprets the Bible in that fashion, regardless of it's origin, I believe that God created it. I don't get caught up in how, when I can look around and clearly see God's hand print on everything..... If you think it was all by chance..... well I'd say you were the deluded one.
    #16     May 11, 2010

  7. the bible is a collection of books written by superstitious ignorant men who had no concept of science and who thought thunder and lightening were God himself speaking who were trying to explain their concept of God. your average 5th grader knows more about science and how the world works today than these men could ever hope to. you accept that over the scientific conclusions of modern science? what does that say about your intellect?

    the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this."
    Albert Einstein
    #17     May 11, 2010
  8. kut2k2


    "To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today."
    -- Isaac Asimov
    #18     May 12, 2010
  9. Wallet


    LOL, you guys and your quotes, do you think for yourself? Like Nietzsche, they are gone and the Bible is still here and the #1 best seller. Guess what, when you and I are gone from this earth, the Bible will still be here and be true.

    That book of stories, as you call it, is very often referenced by archeologists when they research the middle east. Why, because they know the history contained inside is factual.

    You guys are too caught up in yourself and your intellectual ignorance to see past the ends of your nose.

    Good luck with your beliefs.

    #19     May 12, 2010
  10. the bible will still be true? lol. dont tell me you are another of those 6000 year old earth global flood covered the earth believers. are you and peilthetraveler and maxpi related? how can there still be this much willfull ignorance floating around in the internet age.
    #20     May 12, 2010