Why does Obama want to meet with Ahmadinejad?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, May 31, 2008.

  1. lmao... you guys are funny. i wonder if anyone is stupid enough to fall for it? lmao... how lame.
    #21     May 31, 2008
  2. ahhhhh yes.... and leaders around the world huddled in fear at Saddam Hussein's GREAT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION !!!! THE HORROR OF IT ALL!!!

    dpn't forget osama bin laden's underground bunker in TORA BORA... boy wasn't that a doosy?

    yes.. when the sheep are scared that means it is all true. geez dude... you really want to keep getting embarrassed?
    #22     May 31, 2008
  3. Saeb Erekat: the chief Palestinian negotiator and member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, stated: "I reject his comments. What we need to be talking about is adding the state of Palestine to the map, and not wiping Israel from the map"

    "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's calls to wipe Israel off the map and his systematic denial of the Holocaust are hurting Iran", news agencies reported an Iranian reformist spokesman saying Friday in Teheran.
    #23     May 31, 2008
  4. Of course not, no one besides the UN, the US, the EU, the European Parliament, Al-Jazeera, the chief palestinian negotiator, the Iranian opposition leader, world leaders, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, Sergei Lavrov...

    Everyone else got the translation and the meaning of Ahmadinejad's speeches right.
    #24     May 31, 2008
  5. You didn't quote the German sentences that I sent you. The best part of my reply. You'll find out that they are anything, but lame.

    What self-respecting neo-Nazi doesn't know German? I'm sorry. I meant paleoconservative.
    #25     May 31, 2008
  6. yes and 90% of these retards thought saddam had horrible wmd's... so whats your point besides these guys all being morons?
    #26     May 31, 2008
  7. That Farsi translators all over the world (the US, the UN, the EU, Al-Jazeera, Palestinian, Tony Blair's, Jacque Chirak's, Sergei Lavrov's translators) and Farsi native speakers like the Iranian opposition leader all believe that Ahmadinejad threatened to wipe Israel off the map.

    I understand that you and a few others disagree and respect your right to remain part of the "Ahmadinejad can do no wrong" fringe. I am not quite sure what Iraq and Saddam's WMDs have to do with the translation of Farsi speeches though.
    #27     May 31, 2008

  8. AAA perhaps gave one of the best definitions of paleoconservative that i have read. i actually did a search to get you a good definition but to be honest AAA's words sum it up better than most.

    #28     May 31, 2008
  9. Sam321


    I'll vote for a regime change proposed by any Western nation any day, over regime change proposed by any Muslim country. Iran has a long term agenda, none of which is good for America.

    Obama can talk with Ahmadinejad and Ahmadinejad will kiss his ass. Obama will come back saying that Iran and America can find a middle ground.

    Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad will froth at the mouth in his language how easy it will be for Islam is subjugate the West and do away with the values the West holds dear.

    Obama has no clue. The World is a very dangerous place today. He has no clue. He is a smooth-talking child. No wonder the young people will vote for him, because they have no clue either, and will never get it until they lose everything they now take for granted.

    #29     Jun 1, 2008
  10. Lets see,,,he isnt in charge of the nation,,the military or the judiciary,,so what is the leader of iran n charge of? He can pop off his yazoo all he wants but it dont mean anything,,,except to the right wing o course.
    The Supreme leader is religious,,his dictates are followed,,,only his.
    I feel if nasa needs more funds for space they should declare they have discovered a moon base of al queda,,,that should give em a good pop lol
    #30     Jun 1, 2008