Why does Hamas fire rockets?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TorontoTrader2, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. What a dumb article. If you read the Bible it will also state that when Moses and company got out of Egypt they had confrontations with and threw out guess who? Answer: Canaanites.
    #31     Dec 28, 2008
  2. The majority of arabs came from elsewhere as well, in the 19th century the land was scarcely populated, in the first half of the previous century the arabs migrated there in about as big numbers as jews did. Most of the land did not belong to Arabs or jews, it belonged to the Government (the turkish and later british empire), you could not steal what was not theirs, whatever land belonged to Arab landowners (not arab government which did not exist) was going to remain their property after the partition whether it fell into the Jewish or Arab section. In 1948 the jews and arabs living in Palestine were there legally in accordance with the laws of the land at the time so the partition was the only natural choice.

    And if you believe that the jews who were not born there, who came from Poland, Germany etc and whose ancestors had been driven from that land are not rightful owners then 90% of arab refuges don' t belong there either as they were born outside of Israel.
    #32     Dec 28, 2008
  3. #33     Dec 28, 2008
  4. The funny thing is that it's been many years and it's not working at all. The Israel-hating idiots keep making exactly the same stink, posting exactly the same war-porn from exactly the same widely known and discredited antisemitic web sites.

    They must be thinking they are making a progress when it's quite obvious that they are not fooling anyone but themselves. Anyone with half a brain knows who starts each cycle of violence, who puts children in the line of fire, who builds bomb shelters for children and who supplies children with suicide belts or uses them as human shield.

    What a bunch of pathetic losers. Well at least they are busy roaming the internets, polluting forums and blogs and believing they are freedom fighters. Oh well, as an arab saying says the dogs bark but the caravan goes on.
    #34     Dec 28, 2008
  5. Mercor


    The first responsibility of a government is to protect its citizens from attack.
    If your Government is fighting a war where you lose 1000 children in 5 years something is wrong. The war is being lost.

    A responsible Government would immediately sue for a cease fire and truce. It is the fault of the Gaza government that the children are being killed.
    #35     Dec 28, 2008
  6. First we should turn all of our allies into our enemies. Than we should strengthen our enemies. After that we should weaken our country. After that we should all frolic in the medows and smoke bunches of weed.

    What are you trying to accomplish with your anti-Israel remarks?

    What does it say about you when you spend the majority or your time bitching about your own allies and your own country?

    Piece of shit.
    #36     Dec 28, 2008
  7. And of course the site appropriately called IfAmericansKnew does not actually want americans to know that probably half of those kids are 15-18 year old militants who are members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations and who attack Israel and Israelis with weapons in their hands.

    #37     Dec 28, 2008
  8. sumosam


    When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the world was behind Iraq...even many Arabs were against this.

    When Israel occupied the Palestinian lands, the U.N. stated that Israel must return this land...they never did.

    Israel and the U.S. have lost face in the world. This will have devasting effects materially....

    To day, I was driving in downtown Toronto, was astounded to see so many obviously not Arabs protesting this devastation. I can see anti-semetism rearing its ugly head.

    As we say on the trading floor, bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slattered.
    #38     Dec 28, 2008
  9. Alot of innocent Israelis have given their lives because of the settlers religious fanaticism. And Neo you've already proven that you're a dickhead so STFU.
    #39     Dec 29, 2008
  10. Aww a little touchy aren't we? I am still looking forward to you looking at my post history in order to find a post I made a couple months ago in which I spelled a word wrong. Your argument against YOUR OWN allies and your own country would be so much more persuasive if you could just convince the audience that I spelled a word wrong a couple months ago.

    Omega you know what type you are? Your the type that isn't willing to take the opportunity cost. Your the type that would rather not make a decision at all because the consequences would be too great. Your the type that would vote present instead of voting. You know what type that translates into? It translates into being a pussy.

    Damn you and your anti-country shit.
    #40     Dec 29, 2008