Why do we need congress/house of representatives in this day & age?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. I was just thinking about this...Congress and representatives were put together years ago (in the 1700s) to speak for the people, because all the people could not come together and vote on matters because there would be millions of votes and millions of votes to count and it would just be so time consuming. But we are in the age of computers, instant communication from 1000s of miles away, and the technology to count millions of votes in less than 1 billionth of a second.

    Why couldnt we the people vote on things for ourselves? Surely there would be so much less corruption, no special interest groups could lobby congress to pass bills and all that with their bribes and people could just sit at home at their computers and vote for what they want to pass and what they dont want to pass. Wouldnt that be better?

    Only downside i can see to this is that the media would be out in full force to force people to vote a certain way...but that pretty much happens anyway, only difference is, nobody's gonna slip a bill by that gives some a-hole 10 billion dollars to build a bridge when there is a perfectly good bridge already built. (speaking of the bay bridge in San Francisco and how they are spending billions to build a new bridge right next to it)
  2. Lucrum


    Not a bad idea although the more frequent voting could present some issues.

    Another idea along those lines would be a major reduction in the size of congress.

    Maybe 50 senators and 100 representatives, with term limits.
  3. who has the time to ponder, discuss and vote every little bill?

    these threds are complete nonsense anyway because IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN!

    OP, you do realize we have a finite time on this planet?

  4. Congress and representatives were put together years ago (in the 1700s) to speak for the people, because all the people could not come together and vote on matters because there would be millions of votes and millions of votes to count and it would just be so time consuming

    There are valid reasons why what you propose is not done. That issue was addressed at the time (1700's) Unfortunatley, I do not have a link for you and I just should shut up but what you suggest has been thought out and our system works better.
  5. Mercor


    The problem is the general public is uneducated. I believe by design. The Democrats maintain a weak education system and wefare programs to keep the masses dumb.

    We need only those with knowledge to vote. There should be a civics test to pass in order to vote.
  6. Lucrum


    Agreed, and maybe a similar test including history and economics for political candidates as well.
  7. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Did you happen to see 20/20 last night? The average voter is a doornob who is doing us all a misdeed by heading to the voting booth. Also, the United States of America is not a democracy, rather we are a republic. I can not think of a true democracy ever in the history of the world that has been successful...of course I can't really think of one thats been tried either.

  8. yes I agree. For once.

    You are living proof of a bad education.

    Your posts keep on proving it. :D
  9. most wouldn't even be able to understand the subject they are supposed to vote on

    99% of people rely on the intelligence of the remaining 1%, without them they'd be living in 3000 BC
  10. Did you happen to see 20/20 last night? The average voter is a doornob who is doing us all a misdeed by heading to the voting booth.

    I saw that. Ya have the dumb noobs cancelling out the vote of the inteligentsia who are in charge of the dept of social engineering & education. More dumb noobs than academics, you think the academics would try harder.
    #10     Oct 11, 2008